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科学适合老古董。Science is for curios.

这张唱片真是老古董了。This record is a real oldie.

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琼斯教授是一个老古董。Professor Jones is an old fuddy-duddy.

他们把我叫做老古董,但我不赞同。Call me old-fashioned but I think they are wrong.

沙发是个老古董,我父母给我的。The sofa is an old antique sofa given to be by my mum and dad.

我看他是个老古董。他根本没法接受新知识。I regard him as a stick-in-the-mud. He can't accept anything new.

这个老古董在改变造型方面显示出无穷魅力。This antediluvian shows boundless glamour in change modelling respect.

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叫我老古董吧,但是这些高危险性的宗教不适合我。Call me old-fashioned but those high-risk religions don't do it for me.

把橱柜里那些老古董取出来给它一个好位置。Pull a passed-down antique out of the closet and give it a place of honor.

不要像个老古董一样,也不要被年轻人的思想左右。Don't act like an old fogey, but don't be misguided by young people, either.

很明显,小提琴,不光是文艺复兴时的老古董So obviously the violin is not just this stodgy old thing from the Renaissance.

欧内其特叔叔是个老古董,他仍然认为女人不应该吸烟。Uncle Ernest's a bit of an old fuddy-duddy , he still believes women shouldn't smoke.

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而且我妈妈那只是第一关,还有我爸那个老古董,更难对付。And my mama that just premier pass, also have my daddy old curio, extra tough handle with.

只要遵循内心不放弃学习,那么你不但不会变成老古董,相反每天都会有崭新的感觉。As long as you follow your heart and never stop learning, you’ll turn not older, but newer every day.

现在却不同了,新世纪的中国青年,他们想表现他们拥有的,但是我却是个老古董了。It's different now. The young guys in China are new age. They want to show their stuff. But I am old-school.

是啊,他每门课都得A,但是看看他那眼镜片有多厚,还穿那些老古董衣服。Sure, he's getting straight A's in all his classes, but look at those thick glasses, and those dull clothes he wears.

是啊,他每门课都得A,但是看看他那眼镜片有多厚,还穿那些老古董衣服。Sure, he's getting straight A's in all his glasses, but look at those thick classes, and those dull clothes he wears.

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你尽可以管我叫老古董,但我认为送奶工所传递的人情味正从现代社会中慢慢消失。Call me an old-timer, but I think the personal touch represented by the milkman is what's been missing in the modern society.

OBA让我想起来老古董EAI——企业应用集成技术,但是现在整个世界都在向SOA转变。OBAs remind me of the old school EAI, enterprise application integration technology while the entire world is moving to an SOA architecture.

他说,有些巧舌如簧的推销员所提供的现代疗法,跟他在博物馆里收集的那些老古董一样愚不可及,毫无价值。Some of the modern cures offered by slick salespeople, he says, are just as empty and worthless as the old curiosities that he's collected in his museum.