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接下来的几个月混混沌沌地过去。The next few months passed in a blur.

我的小说主人公基本上没干什么事,就这么混混沌沌过着。my hero basically not doing things, so HunHunDunDun lived.

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菅直人先生的政府显得步调不一,混混沌沌而且不堪一击。Mr Kan’s administration has appeared unco-ordinated, confused and weak.

他们的人生混混沌沌,封闭、茫然,很容易被击垮。They go through life as if in a trance, closed, confused and easily overwhelmed.

电影院的潜移默化能够在这混混沌沌的野蛮与愚昧的洪荒小镇带来文明吗?The cinema can bring civilization in the influence character by environment and ignorance of the savage chaotic prehistoric town?

对于人们来说,想象着逝去的生命正在一些混混沌沌、难以察觉的地方继续生活,这再自然不过了。For the man, it can't be more natural to imagine those lives of the past continue their existence in some chaotic and imperceptible places.

因此,“他在大学里基本上是在混日子,混混沌沌,错过了很多机会,比如转专业、双修”。Accordingly, "He basically is in the university in dawdle, muddleheaded , missed a lot of opportunities, turn for instance professional, double long ".

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而同时,单身汉们更容发生的事情喝个烂醉混混沌沌的过了一天,或者只是因为食堂里的小菜不和口味而辞职不干了。Meanwhile, single guys are more likely to take a sick day to sleep off an especially bad hangover, or quit a great job because the nachos in the cafeteria suck.

太阳,像一团快要熄灭的火球,几乎被那些混混沌沌的浓雾同蒸气遮没了,让你觉得它好像是什么密密团团,然而轮廓模糊、不可捉摸的东西。Near the horizon the sun was smoldering dimly, almost obscured by formless mists and vapors, which gave an impression of mass and density without outline or tangibility.

我慢慢让意识完全进入宇宙共振态,一切若有若无,混混沌沌,没有时间流失的感知,没有空间变化的激动。I slowly make sense of resonance states full access to the universe and everything become chaos, without sense for time perception, there is no excited for spatial variation of space.