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排空塑料袋里的气体,然后密封起来。Flatten the bags and seal.

检查前胃必须完全排空。The stomach should be completely empty.

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大肠内的大便必须排空。The large intestine must be completely free of stool.

停止饮酒后,保持你的膀胱排空。Stop drinking after that, and keep emptying your bladder.

排空水桶和浴盆,倒置存放。emptying buckets and baths, and storing them upside-down.

手术前病人的结肠和直肠必须排空。The rectum and colon must be completely empty before surgery.

一旦流动通道被排空,料仓中的所有流动就停止了。Once the flow channel has emptied, all flow from the silo stops.

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进气纯度不达标自动排空,吸附塔。Intake below-standard purity automatic emptying, adsorption tower.

一个完全排空的混合鞋提供了跑鞋的舒适性。A fully drainable hybrid shoe offers the comfort of a running shoe.

因此食物排空对养胃很关键。Therefore, food evacuation is very important for your stomach health.

最后,在你跑之前尽可能把肠排空。Finally, try to clear your system with a bowel movement before you run.

然而,在充盈和排空期,下尿路处于动态。However, LUT is in active state during filling phase and voiding phase.

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他厨房里有一排空酒瓶装点在橱柜顶上。Empty liquor bottles line the top of his kitchen cabinets as decoration.

泄气阀,小龙头用来排空或降低压力的一种小阀门或小龙头,如锅炉上的。A small valve or faucet used to drain or reduce pressure, as from a boiler.

热水器在冬天基本上都排空了,要到早春才恢复注水。Most would drain the system in the winter and then refill in the early spring.

无症状胆囊结石病患者胆囊排空功能的研究。Study on gallbladder emptying function in the asymptomatic gallstone patients.

胃溃疡X线表现为龛影,黏膜改变,胃窦痉挛、狭窄及排空延迟。The clinical and X-ray findings of peptic ulcer in these children were analyzed.

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目的探讨胃切除术后排空障碍的高危因素及处理。Objective To investigate risk factors and management of DGE after gastric surgery.

如果没有排空水箱还车,将按当时费率对此服务收费。If you are unable to do so, you will be charged the then-current rate for this service.

如果在计时装置开始无效以前,发送方的窗口已充满,那末管线开始排空。If the sender's window is filled before the timer expires, the pipeline begins to empty.