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愿世界享太平!Peace on earth!

然而这个虚拟世界并不太平。But this world isn't at peace.

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太平时,王杀王。Taiping, the king to kill King.

太平太他妈小了!!Taiping is just too fucking small!

太平世界,同此凉热”。Peaceful world, with the cool hot"."

在“太平街”或“陶然桥北”站下车。"Tai Ping" or "Tao Ran Bridge" stop.

如果太平,运动员将翻转。If it is too flat, athletes will flip.

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怀慈悲心,做慈悲事,则心中太平。With compassion, charity, peace in heart.

来自太平省的1名21岁男子。A 21-year-old man from Thai Binh Province.

刘说这个地区仍然太平。Liu said that the area would remain peaceful.

愿世界得以太平,人人充满爱意。Peace on earth and good will towards everyday.

中国人民一直希望世界太平。The Chinese people are always loving world peace.

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乘黄坑至太平龙湾的公共汽车途经鸸鹋生态园。Wo to peaceful means of a bus Emu Ecological Garden.

武则天从太平降世就对她倾泻了特别的关心和溺爱。Wu came from the land of the special care and favor.

他的14岁妹妹,也来自太平省。His 14-year-old sister, also from Thai Binh Province.

太平,别人也只好同意他的说法了。Deafened, would agree with him, for the sake of peace.

这样一来,安定郡开始太平起来。As a result, the stability of the county began to peace.

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如此一来,原本美好的“太平盛世”还能“太平”吗?Thus, originally good "peaceful golden" still can "peace"?

社会福利署署长邓国威太平绅士致开幕词。Speech by Mr. Paul Tang, J. P. , Director of Social Welfare.

把传说中的大西洲、太平洲当作真实。It takes the legendary Atlantis and Pacific continent as true.