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他先出了一张方块。He led a diamond.

获得一个俄罗斯方块。To obtain a tetris.

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我叫四个方块。I bid four diamonds.

把肉切成小方块。Cut the meat into cubes.

他接连打出了四张方块。He ran off his four diamonds.

牛肉切成小方块。Cut the beef into small cubes.

这是一个照顾熊语音方块。This is a Care Bears Phonics Box.

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有谁没有玩过俄罗斯方块?Who among us hasn't played Tetris?

大多数被删除的方块位于在图像的右下角。Most are from the lower-left corner.

破坏方块,把你的敌人推下去吧!Break blocks and bring your foes low!

打方块牌,名家就可以出王牌压。A diamond lead allows a ruff in dummy.

勾消这个方块可清除地址。Uncheck the box to remove the address.

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我手里仅有四张方块牌。I've got only four diamonds in my hand.

他在打第二墩牌时用王牌压一个方块,这很聪明。He'S clever to ruff a club at trick two.

在方块上的扣住打法现在不起作用了。A hold-up in diamonds won't help you now.

你不拿走那张象徵暴力的方块皇后吗,男孩?。Don't you draw the queen of diamonds boy.

难道你不想拔取方块皇后,伙计!Don't you draw the queen of diamonds, boy!

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你不拿走方块皇后那张牌吗?Don't you draw the queen of diamonds, boy.

它意味着红心、黑桃、红方块、或者梅花。It means Hearts, Spades, Diamonds or Clubs.

使用剁碎、削皮、切成薄片以及切成小方块。Use verbs such AS chop, peel, slice and dice.