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我们必须“滤除”尘垢。We must filter out the dirt.

他们曾生活在尘垢与肮脏之中。They had lived amid dirt and foulness.

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⊙、鉴明则尘垢不止,止则不明也。Identifying the grime, check is also unknown.

莲花代表一种诞生,清除尘垢,在黑暗中趋向光。Lotus represent a born, remove dirt, light in the darkness trend.

它的原色可能会由于尘垢甚至是盐分的积累而变模糊。Its true hues may become obscured by grime and even buildups of salt.

但是,由我看来,这尘垢的精华又算得什么?The paragon of animals! And yet, to me, what is this quintessence of dust?

我祖母习惯于拿起她的席垫往墙壁上摔打,以拍打掉上面尘垢。My grandmother used to clean her mats by beating them against the wall of the house.

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肉蛆,污秽,积垢,湿粪,粘液,熔渣,沙砾,尘垢,油烟,残渣,灰尘,污泥,肮脏邋遢。GRUB, filth, grime, muck, gunk, slag, grit, grunge, smut, dross, dust, sludge, squalor.

它似乎是落在心灵深处的一滴泪,它无情的将心灵上的尘垢拭去!It is like a drop of clear tear to our heart wiping off the dust of our soul pitilessly.

应避免尘垢、水滴、金属碎屑或其他杂物侵入。It should be kept away from dust and dirt, water drops, metal detritus and other things.

这些尘埃和气体很有可能是原始的尘垢和被黑洞吞掉很久了的星星的残留物的混合物。This stuff is probably a mixture of primordial grime and the remnants of long-eaten stars.

能安全有效卸去彩妆、除去一天的尘垢,令肌肤滋润而洁净。This milky cream cleanser removes traces of dirt and makeup, leaving skin nourished and smooth.

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这里的建筑都是仿造诺曼、哥特和希腊的建筑风格,大多老旧而布满层层尘垢。Structures were a pastiche of Norman, Gothic and Greek architecture, most old and layered with grime.

冰箱外壳的整理,并向外壳的尘垢,能够用软布蘸许少数牙膏慢慢擦洗。Refrigerator shell, and the shell of grime, can dip in with soft cloth to make a few toothpaste slowly scrub.

完美的水溶性乳霜,能彻底卸妆及去除尘垢,感觉柔润不油腻。This perfected, water soluble cream completely removes makeup and environmental grime, without leaving greasy residue.

这种家具上光剂含两重成分,用橄榄油保持光泽,用柠檬汁去除尘垢和污渍。This two-ingredient furniture polish employs olive oil for shine and lemon juice to help remove any buildup or stains.

一段时间之后,你的手机应该会覆上一层尘垢,然后女士们应该会开始在按键之间看见化妆品污渍。Your mobile phone can get caked with grime over time, and ladies might start noticing make-up smudges between the keys.

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客厅光线好些,温斯顿仔细一看,发现她脸上皱纹里真的有尘垢。In the better light of the living-room he noticed with interest that there actually was dust in the creases of her face.

总的说,外观有点现代世界的风格,被夸张了的世界,尘垢已堆积百年了。Overall, the look is a slightly stylized and exaggerated version of our modern world, layered with the grime of a hundred years of neglect.

每一个人的今生都是前世的修行,希望洗尽尘垢,修成正觉的圆通境界。Each lifetime is spent improving on the lifetime before, shedding imperfections in the hope of attaining the perfect state of enlightenment.