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他进了蟠桃园尽情的吃桃子,他把天宫的房子都弄得乱七八糟。He makes a mess in each room in heaven.

蟠桃种在花草当中。The donut peach stands among my other plants.

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神话里的蟠桃具有长生不死的功效。The peach of immortality in Chinese mythology.

它飞进蟠桃园,而且尽情的品尝了许多他喜欢的蟠桃。He flies into a peach garden and eats as many peaches as he likes.

梨枣、仁用杏的细胞膜伤害率比早露蟠桃和牛心李低。Apricot and Jujube cell membrane injury rate were lower than Peachand Plum.

我们学校坐落在上海金山区“蟠桃之乡”——吕巷镇。Our school is located in "Chinese Flat Peach Town", Lvxiang Town of Jinshan District in Shanghai.

核果除蟠桃外,多为圆形或椭圆形,除油桃果面,都布有粉彩。Drupe except PanTao outside many for round or oval except the nectarine fruit face all cloth has a pastel.

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他所画的蟠桃,以及对许多作品的题鉴就是他的心灵和憧憬的真实写照。The peach he painted and his inscriptions in many works were just the true portrayal of his mind and longing.

一朝,王母娘娘要开蟠桃盛会,命七仙女去蟠桃园摘桃。One day, the Queen was to give a peach banquet. She commanded her seven fairies to pick peaches from the grove.

另外,该公司还重点培育、扶持一支蟠桃经纪人队伍,进一步拓展销售渠道。In addition, the company also focuses on nurturing and supporting a peach brokers to further expand sales channels.

蟠桃因其外形扁平,所以又被称作“茶碟”或“油炸圈”状桃子。Flat peaches are also known as "saucer" or "doughnut-type" peaches because of their round, oblate to squat appearance.

右幅石榴寓意“多子多福”,左幅蟠桃寓意“长寿”,象征兴旺长寿之意。Peaches on the left scroll symbolize longevity while pomegranates on the right imply fertility and fortune in Chinese tradition.

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“天上蟠桃,人间肥桃”,已有千余年栽培历史的肥桃,早已蜚声国内外。" Heaven and earth peach, peach", already had more than 1000 years history of cultivation of peach, is renowned at home and abroad.

主要介绍了蟠桃汁饮料的生产工艺、产品标准、常见的质量问题和解决办法。In the paper, the processing technology, product standard, common quality problems and solutions concerned with a flat peach juice drink are mainly described.

本论文以干旱荒漠区早露蟠桃、仁用杏、牛心李、梨枣为试验材料,探索上述果树在干旱荒漠区根系分布及叶片形态结构特点。The dissertation studies on the roots distribution and leaves configuration properties of Peach, Apricot, Plum, Jujube which were growing in arid-desert area.

其中有蟠桃和油桃栽培,主要用于观赏寿星桃、纸、寿星桃还桃矮化砧。Among them are PanTao and nectarine fruit cultivation the birthday girl peach and paper mainly for viewing the birthday girl peach also for peach dwarfed anvil does.

此刻,天上,花好月圆,玉皇大帝携同王母娘娘正在举行盛大的蟠桃大会,宴请各位众仙,美酒佳肴,载歌载舞,共度佳期!At the moment, the sky, perfect conjugal bliss, the Jade Emperor and queen being held a grand peach assembly, a fellow gods, food & wine, now singing, now dancing, spend the night!