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这个农场有150英亩。The farm includes 150 acres.

三十英亩田种了小麦。Thirty acres are sown to wheat.

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他们种了15英亩玉米。They cropped 15 acres with corn.

他女亲耕作一个80英亩天的农场。His father cultivated a farm of 80 acres.

他们在丛林地带中开拓出大约300英亩田地。They cleared some 300 acres in the jungle.

他们买了半英亩的财产于1985年。They bought the half-acre property in 1985.

其中一项私人项目被称作Archi的英亩。One private program is called Archi's Acres.

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他们办理了租用7英亩土地的契约手续。They took out a lease on a seven-acre field.

火火灾造成了3万8千英亩土地和21户住宅的损失。That fire destroyed 38,000 acres and 21 homes.

仅1590至1615年间,就有足足三万六千英亩Well, 36,000 acres just between 1590 and 1615.

对免耕的英亩与耕作的英亩进行了比较。No-till acres were compared with ploughed acres.

办事员们每天估价100英亩的土地。The clerks estimated 100 acres of land every day.

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他在想那六十英亩地现在会值多少钱。He wondered how much those sixty acres were worth.

然而,每英亩放牧牧畜数的增加只是单面的受益。However, more cattle per acre is just one benefit.

出一块半英亩的地皮来作房屋地基。They measured off a half-acre plot for a house lot.

勃洛得生名下连一千英亩地也不会有啦。Braderson wouldn't have a thousand acres to his name.

它有一个全面地下室,用地半英亩。It has a full basement, and it is on a half-acre lot.

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我们住在六英亩大的舒适的农场大屋。We all lived in a cozy ranch-style house on six acres.

农民们平了300英亩地。The peasants have levelled three hundred acres of land.

他的蓝图包括一个占地数英亩的区域。His blue-prints pictured a space covering several acres.