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如题。咋们可是良民。If topic. how, but common people.

美国朋友,我是良民。SIR, I am a pro-american Chinese.

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然而,做一个好良民否则一件简易的事件。However, to becoming a bad citizen is not an easy thing.

然而,做唯一好良民否则一件简易的事件。However, to becoming a good citizen is not an easy thing.

荣耀归于至高的上主,和平归于地下的良民。Glory to God in highest and peace to the humans of good will on the earth.

社会铸造出来的,大部分是安命于天的普通良民!Most of the people who live in the society are willing to accept their common fate.

市长、州长和几位良民参加了这次预审。The Mayor, the Governor, and several other prominent citizens attended the preview.

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处理青少年罪犯的最好方法是什么?我们如何将他们变为良民?Whats the best way of dealing with young criminals and how can we make them into good citizens?

只有有效地惩治罪犯,才能保证广大良民的自由。Effectively punish criminals was the only way to protect the freedom of the broad masses of kind people.

为了研究利木赞牛改良民和县浅山地区当地黄牛的效果。To study the improvement effect of Limousin cattle and Local cattle in Minhe County Middle Hills region.

良民有信仰宗教的自由和不信仰宗教、宣传无神论的自由。Citizens enjoy availabledom to believe in religion or availabledom not to believe in religion or to propagate atheism.

因为上帝让阳光普照坏人和好人,让雨水滋润良民与歹徒。For he makes his sun to shine on bad and good people alike, and gives rain to those who do good and to those who do evil.

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法西斯主义统治下的资本家们仅做一个守法的良民是不够的,他们还必须屈从于国家的代表们。The capitalist under fascism has to be not merely a law-abiding citizen, he must be servile to the representatives of the State.

在自愿放弃这种做法50年,当了50年公司良民之后,一些公司现在正考虑改变计划。After voluntarily staying away from this for 50 years, being good corporate citizens, companies are now considering changing plans.

基于这种认识,我们会发现还有一种错误的观念,认为只有特定组织是“腐败”的,而所有其他人都是“良民”。Given this understanding, there is a fallacy that has emerged where certain groups are deemed "corrupt" and everyone else is "good".

数以百万互联网上的“良民”,也是运指如飞,在亚马逊或者iTunes音乐商店购买他们喜欢的音乐。Millions of internet do-gooders, their fingers on track-pads, who pay for songs they like – purchasing them from Amazon or iTunes Music Store.

1828年的一次人口普查发现,新南威尔士州的百分之五十的人口为流放犯人,而这些前罪犯几乎占据了良民人口的一半。A census taken in 1828 found that half the population of NSW were Convicts, and that former Convicts made up nearly half of the free population.

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艾力由丧尽天良的流氓以至被洗脑成一等良民的戏剧性历程,为史丹利寇比力克改编自安东尼作吉斯小说的摄人未来版构织出一道耀目光环。Alex's journey from amoral punk to brainwashed proper citizen forms the dynamic arc of Stanley Kubrick's future-shock vision of Anthony Burgess' novel.

偶是良民,从不赌博,这个游戏规则我也不大明白,还是赌神来玩吧。BE a law-abiding people accidentally, never gamble, this rules of the game I ain't greatly understand either, be still the wager absolute being to play.

政府不杀罪犯而放纵罪犯去杀人,实际上是该政府利用罪犯之手杀害良民。If the government does not execute criminals but let them kill kind people, it is equivalent to the government made use of hands of criminals to kill kind people.