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她有一件漂亮的斗篷。She has a beautiful mantle.

她披着红丝斗篷。She was cloaked in red silk.

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斗篷披垂挂在他的肩上。The cape flowed from his shoulders.

琼恩雪诺戴起斗篷上的风帽。Jon Snow raised the hood of his cloak.

魔术师的身上罩著黑丝斗篷。The magician was cloaked in black silk.

为什么会有暗影斗篷这种妖孽的存在?。Why is it that Cloak of Shadows exists?

斗篷状覆盖物一种类似长袍或斗蓬的遮盖物。A covering resembling a cloak or mantle.

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骄傲可能会潜藏在穿旧的斗篷下。Pride may lurk under a threadbare cloak.

雪花侠被旋风卷走,不能有斗篷!Splashdown, sucked into a vortex. No capes!

蜷曲睡在斗篷中,用地板作为床铺。Curled up on a poncho , the floor for a bed?

他麻利地转过身来,黑斗篷兜着圈圈。He turned quickly, his black cloak circling.

母亲给孩子穿上了蒙头斗篷才出去。The mother cowled the baby before going out.

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车夫裹上他的斗篷。The coachman wrapped himself up in his cloak.

琼恩把斗篷卷得更紧了。Jon drew his cloak about himself more tightly.

我穿上斗篷和戴上假的塑料尖牙。I'm wearing a cape and some fake plastic fangs.

大斗篷的褶层包裹着她的身体。The folds of a great cloak encompassed her person.

骄傲估计会潜藏在穿旧的斗篷下。Pride weselves lurk under a theasystbare not cloak.

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山岗和山谷脱去了积雪的斗篷The hills and dales are stripp'd of mantles of snow

山冈和山谷脱去了积雪的斗篷。The hills and dales are stripped of mantles of snow.

她身披一件深兰色的斗篷,头戴一顶软毡帽。She was wearing a dark blue cape and a soft felt hat.