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请你们不要大呼小叫了,马刺的球迷们。Please don't Spurs fans.

让嚼子和马刺永远生锈去吧。Bit and spur shall rust forever.

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我用踢马刺策马,跑开了。I spurred his horse and run away.

O'Neal为此谴责马刺。For this, O'Neal blames the Spurs.

骑兵们用踢马刺驱马前进。The cavalry spurred their horses on.

而这一次,马刺守住了自己。This time, the Spurs made it hold up.

一位过路军官失落了一根马刺。A passing officer chanced to lose a spur.

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一名运动员踢马上的马刺。A sportsman pricked his spurs into the horse.

希望,曾用马刺煽旺你的热情。Hope, whose spur fanned your ardor into flame.

运动马刺挂满了整个马厩。Spurs of the moment hang throughout the stable.

今天马刺在篮圈面前没有讨到好脸色。The Spurs never had an easy look at the basket.

马刺的“噌噌”声也随着他们的远去而渐渐消失。I listened until the jingle of their spurs faded.

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马刺队的队标上就有一个马刺。The Spurs' team logo includes a picture of a spur.

马刺不需要伦纳德成为下一个布鲁斯鲍文。The Spurs don't need Leonard to become Bruce Bowen.

骑者以马刺踢刺马的侧腹。The rider dug the horse in the side with his spurs.

马刺有着很多适合他们这个体系的球员。The Spurs have quality players who fit their system.

我们到达塔什班时,也许能把马刺卖了。We may be able to sell them when we get to Tashbaan.

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芬利相对就预示着逐渐衰老的马刺。Finley's relative decrepitude bodes ill for the Spurs.

马刺很有可能又一次在选修环节中捡了一个大便宜。The Spurs might have found another steal in the draft.

在接下来的2011-12赛季中马刺最大的问题在哪里?What's San Antonio's biggest problem heading into 2011-12?