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他显然记不得所有的歌词,只好啦啦啦地蒙混过去。He apparently doesn't remember all the lyrics, and la-las his way through.

我们没能长久空闲地坐着而真正仅仅认可放荡,蒙混和篡夺。We can no longer sit idly-by and simply accept the debauchery, manipulation and usurpation.

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如果你是个成就突出者,在你的优先清单上,很可能把放松排在后头,不要蒙混你自己。If you're an overachiever, you may put relaxation low on your priority list.Don't shortchange yourself.

如果你是个成就突出者,在你的优先清单上,很可能把放松排在后头,不要蒙混你自己。If you're an overachiever, you may put relaxation low on your priority list. Don't shortchange yourself.

有一种说法是这样的,这种习惯或许反映了投资者一起串通起来蒙混的可能性。One possibility is that this custom reflects the way investors like to collude when they can get away with it.

1941年满二十四岁,好莱坞的米高梅电影公司来延揽,还想在合约上把她当成拉丁裔美国人蒙混过去。The MGM Studios in Hollywood, where she went at 24 in 1941, tried to pass her off as a Latina on her contract.

人类身体如何处理这些蒙混进入我们日常生活中的化学物质,我们尚知之甚少。We know little about how the human body copes with the chemicals that have inveigled their way into our daily life.

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尤其是那种旁开门的女式裤子。平时还可以蒙混过去,一下乡劳动可就麻烦了。It was easy to fudge in normal times, but it became troublesome when we went down to the countryside for labor exercise.

有关当局声称乳品供应商用含氮量极高的粉末搀兑到原奶中,目的在于蒙混蛋白质检验。Authorities said that milk suppliers mixed the nitrogen-rich powder into raw milk in order to fool quality tests for protein.

伯莎把事情估计得过于严重,以为无知无能地任职是蒙混欺骗。Bertha, exaggerating the seriousness of the affair, thought it charlatanry to undertake a post without knowledge and without capacity.

拌煤黏土中高含量的氟主要与伊蒙混层矿物、磷灰石、角闪石和钾长石等密切相关。The high content of fluorine is closely related to the mixed-layer minerals of illite and smectite, apatite, hornblende , and K-feldspar.

他们为了增加容量而向牛奶中参水,又为了蒙混检查,再加入三聚青安,一种用于制造塑料的化学物质,以冒充其中的待检的蛋白质含量。They allegedly added water to increase its volume and, to disguise this, mixed in melamine, a chemical used to make plastics, which can deceive inspectors about the milk’s protein content.