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这是一个单身汉垫和发挥笔于一体。It's a bachelor pad and play pen in one.

瓦克斯纳开始思考,像单身汉一样思考。Wexner then began thinking—as a bachelor.

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单身汉的生活好于有一个懒散的妻子。Better a bachelor 's life than a slovenly wife.

但是,嗨,起码库萨克又是单身汉了!But, hey, at least John Cusack is single again!

书呆子单身汉在追求单身的抽象的科学家?Bookish bachelor seeking single Noetic Scientist?

我想他一定是个吝啬鬼,象大部分单身汉一样。I guess he's sort of a miser like most bachelors.

贫穷的单身汉常常是暴力犯罪的受害者。Poor bachelors are often victims of violent crime.

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哇,所有单身汉们,甚至白人小孩们。Woah, all you singletons, ohh, even the white kids.

这个单身汉修复了一炉烤坏的饼干吗?Did the bachelor botch a batch badly baked biscuits?

他说他刚才在布置一个单身汉派对的会场。He's just been setting up a bachelor party, he says.

单身汉说,理想的妻子是别人的妻子。He says that the just-right wife is someone else's wife.

它等同于英国每一个男性对应一个垂死的单身汉。It is equivalent to every male in the UK dying a bachelor.

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一个顽固不化的单身汉还谈什么舞伴和华尔兹舞!What had a sitff bachelor to do with partners and waltzing ?

于是,皮埃尔的原来要想成为一个单身汉的诺言很快地消散了。Pierre’s old promise to remain a bachelor dissipated quickly.

当年,几个单身汉埋锅造饭的时候,还真的在这里买过咸鸭蛋和大米。When I was single, I'd bought rice and salted duck eggs here.

厄塔森先生回到他那单身汉的家里,心情烦躁。Mr Utterson came home to his bachelor house in sombre spirits.

单身汉,还记得高中时得到了所有女孩的那个家伙。Bachelors, remember the guy in high school who got all the girls.

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现在他们和单身汉们一起分享他们的交友网以及交友秘诀。Now they're sharing dating sites and tips with singles everywhere.

但是这些改善加剧了单身汉的窘况。But these developments have worsened the predicament for bachelors.

中国房地产市场的繁荣造就了一大批沮丧受挫的单身汉阶层。China's housing boom has created a woefully frustrated class of bachelors.