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我等你的回话。I'll be waiting for your reply.

你多快能给我回话呢?How soon could you get back to me?

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请你给他带个回话。Please take a message to him by way of reply.

“但现在我可以立即得到回话,”Mangate说。“But now I can have an immediate answer,” says Mangate.

惊异于那死寂漠漠被如此恰当的回话打破。Startled at the stillness broken by reply so aptly spoken.

如果我母亲有什么问题要问我的话,我只要把回话留在她的机子上即可。If my mom has a question, I just leave the answer on her machine.

他说,“他们告诉我,会在7至10个工作日内回话。"They told me they'd call me back in 7-10 business days, " he said.

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趁我准备回话的时间,其他三个孩子也围了过来。Then as he waited for a response, the other three kids turned around too.

听到回话,他没有动,这出乎她的意料。He didn’t move, as she had expected he would upon hearing this information.

我如不听见的人,口中没有回话。I have become like a man who does not hear, whose mouth can offer no reply.

妮珂莱特带回让先生的回话,他一点没有病。Nicolette brought back the reply of M. Jean that he was not ill. He was busy.

“是的,”她回话时心里感着悲哀,却又带着一种奇异的爱情的激动。"Yes, " she replied sorrowfully , and yet with a strange thrill of affection.

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“艾伦,希望你能开这个门,”我的同伴焦急地小声回话。Ellen, I wish you could open the door,' whispered back my companion anxiously.

我还未来得及回话,她已经转身向足球场上走去了。Before I could answer, she had turned around and started back out onto the field.

他向椅背上一仰,觉得她的回话里含着一种无心的滑稽,不觉笑了起来。He leaned back in his chair and laughed at the unconscious drollery of her reply.

请告诉他我今晚10点钟等他的回话,我的电话号码是4856659,谢谢。Just tell him I’ll expect his call at 10 this evening. My number is 4856659,Thanks.

他闭上眼睛,好长时间没有回话。也许,他又睡着了。He closed his eyes, ahd for a long time the didn't answer, Per haps he's asleep again.

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我刚想回话,他的妻子就尽了主人之宜,“是啊,”她说。I was about to respond, but his wife did the honors. "That’s right, Charlie, " she said.

愿意私人交谈的学员可将你的电话号码输入我们的自动回话桥梁上。Members who want to chat provide their telephone numbers to our automated call-back bridge.

另外,通常希望状态在当前回话结束后仍然保持。In addition, it is often desirable for this state to persist beyond the user's current session.