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开元地产厚积薄发,蓄势而上。Kai Yuan Real Estate is full of life.

厚积薄发,描绘帝豪壮阔蓝图!Accumulating all skills, depicting imperial magnificent blueprint!

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当我们做好准备工作后,厚积薄发主动出击的时刻也就到来了。When we are ready to work, well-grounded moments of the initiative is coming.

只有对西方哲学做到厚积薄发,才能写出这样的好论文。Only when well grounded in Western philosophy can one write such an excellent thesis.

今天的合肥,已迈入一个厚积薄发、加速崛起的新阶段。And today's Hefei is entering a new stage of well-grounded development and accelerated emergence.

我们拥有一支经验丰富高素质的沙发制造团队,厚积薄发,力争一流。With an experienced furniture producing team, we will try our best on the basis of our rich experiment.

今天的星美传媒,厚积薄发,雄风依旧。星美同仁愿乘中国电影崛起之势,携手同行,共创中国电影产业盛世。Today, Stellar Mega Media has prepared to work with our peers to create a flourishing age for China's movie industry.

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黄冈师范学院历经百年变迁,厚积薄发,传承创新,走上了一条独具特色、充满希望的转型发展之路。Huanggang Normal College with its long history and rich tradition takes on a new road of changing its developing model.

创新磁电人,立足产业链条,脚踏实地,厚积薄发,做国人自己的金属磁粉心!Creativemix magnetic person, based on the production chain, down to earth, paid off, do people mind their own metal powder!

古有“厚积薄发”,今有“我的心在等待,永远在等待,等待下一个精彩。”In ancient times, "profound knowledge", today there is "My heart is waiting, always waiting, waiting for the next exciting.

是个审时度势、厚积薄发、从技术和价格上都贴近现实可以长期运作的产品。Is size up the situation, Accumulate, both from a technical and price close to reality the long term operation of the product.

“以读促写”,是一个厚积薄发的过程,这一特点注定了这是一项长期而艰苦的工程。"To promote reading to write, " is a profound knowledge of the process, a feature that is doomed to a long and arduous project.

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企业厚积薄发,不断研制的具有国际先进水平的核级电缆、数据总线、低电感方型电缆均为国内首创、市场占有率第一。All these cables are pioneers in China and are not only of international advanced level but also of No. 1 in dstic market share.

2009年网络新闻媒体更是厚积薄发,真正发挥了新闻主流媒体之大家风范。In 2009, Internet news media is even more well-grounded, the real news the mainstream media has played a style of all the media.

对教材的整体认识应厚今薄古,对教材的具体处理应厚积薄发。To teacing material of ole understanding sould tick tin no tou, to teacing material of concrete processing sould tick accumulate tin air.

“以人为本,是才必争”,公司靠精干的科研队伍,打造了企业厚积薄发的动力。The "people-oriented, is just must struggle", companies rely on contingent of scientific research team, to build the enterprise well-grounded power.

对教材的整体认识应厚今薄古,对教材的具体处理应厚积薄发。To teaching material of whole understanding should thick thin now thou, to teaching material of concrete processing should thick accumulate thin hair.

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一个朝气蓬勃的企业与团队,拥有多年技术开发和制造优良产品的丰富经验,维尚律声在厚积薄发中开始了自主品牌的建设。As a company with teams full of vigor and vitality, Visang starts its own brand development with years' R&D and manufacturing fine earphone experience.

郭谦厚积薄发,继往开来,独辟蹊径有着自己现代感的独创风格,树成一代画风。Guo Qianhou accumulates sends thinly, inherits, develops one's own style has oneself modern feeling creative style, the tree becomes generation of picture wind.

突出的自学能力,扎实的理论基础,广泛的知识积累,敢于和乐于接收挑战的斗志,都是我得以厚积薄发的本钱。I have the capacity of self-study, the foundation of well-knit theoretics and comprehensive knowledge. I dare to take up the challenges and take pleasure in the challenges.