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第一期是大约在距今2000年至1500年间的米磨登冲积扇期。The first stage, Mimodeng fan stage, is considered during 2000-1500 yr.

泥石流冲进白龙江中,在岸边留下棕色的冲积扇。The slide terminates in a brown fan that extends into the Bailong River.

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风峪沟冲积扇位于太原盆地西北侧,面积较大,平面形态十分开阔。FengYG alluvial fan is a large fan that lies to the northwest of Taiyuan basin.

主要沉积体系为河流、三角洲、冲积扇及滨浅湖相。The main sedimentary system includes fluvial, delta, alluvial fan and lake facies.

现代黄河三角洲是1855年以来,黄河冲积作用形成的冲积扇。Modern Yellow River Delta is 1855 since the Yellow River alluvial alluvial fan formed.

奎屯河山前四期冲积扇由南向北呈串珠状发育。There are four alluvial fans arranged as a string of beads from the south to the north.

泉头组主要发育河流、泛滥平原、冲积扇以及滨浅湖相。Quantou formation mainly developed rivers bet lands, alluvial fan and shore meare facies.

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说明该冲积扇主要由高流态的片流过程形成的。It shows that FengYG alluvial fan is mainly formed by upper-flow-regime sheetflood process.

研究区内存在冲积扇、曲流河、扇三角洲、湖泊等相类型。Under this depositional setting, alluvial fan, river, fandelta and lake facies are developed.

沉积相可分冲积扇相、扇三角洲相、湖泊相、河流相和沼泽相。The sedimentary facies can be classified into alluvial fan, fan delta, lake, stream and swamp.

冲积扇扇中发育河道冲刷充填和漫流沉积,而泥石流不发育。The fan in characteristic of channel and sheet flow sedimentary processes, but lack of debris flow.

冲积扇体系岩相空间上复杂多变,储层非均质性严重。Lithofacies vary significantly in alluvial fan, and this results in serious reservoir heterogeneity.

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党河冲积扇带和疏勒河冲积平原,构成了敦煌这片内陆平原。With the party and the Shule River alluvial fan alluvial plain, this constitutes a land-locked plains Dunhuang.

好奇号所要降落的陨坑处有一块很可能是由水流沉积物所形成的冲积扇。The portion of the crater where Curiosity will land has an alluvial fan likely formed by water-carried sediments.

古人类活动遗址所处地貌部位为古永定河冲积扇的河间冲积平原。The landform on which ancient human activity relic located was interfluvial floodplain on Yongding River Alluvial Fan.

然后,分析了其沉积环境演化,即经历了冲积扇—湖泊—扇三角洲—河流的演化过程。Afterward evolvement of sedimentary environment is analyzed that is from alluvial fan to lacustrine to fan-delta to fluvial.

八面河地区孔店组存在冲积扇、辫状河三角洲和洪泛平原相。Alluvial fan facies, braided stream delta facies and flooded plain facies are developed in Kongdian Formation of Bamianhe area.

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准噶尔盆地西北缘广泛发育二叠纪-侏罗纪冲积扇、水下扇、扇三角洲等砾质粗碎屑沉积。The Permian-Jurassic alluvial-fan, subaqua-fan and delta-fan were widely distributed in the west-north margin of Junggar Basin.

冲积扇、扇三角洲平面上分布在凹陷的西部斜坡带,浊积扇则分布在湖盆中心。Alluvial fan and fan delta distribute on the western slope of the depression, and turbidite fan distributes in lake-basin center.

断层活动减弱时,水体变浅或乾涸,湖盆被充填,主要发育冲积扇或河流相沈积。A weak movement of the faults results in shallowing and filling of the lake basin, and developing alluvial fan and fluvial facies.