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她是一个懒婆娘。She is a slatternly female.

这老婆娘对我恨这入骨。The old girl hates my guts.

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他在街上大声唱,老婆娘也在And in the streets he wildly sang

她退化成为一个懒婆娘了!She degenerates into a mere slut!

老国王在位的时候,他婆娘His wife was in the old king’s reign

前进!猛冲者、跳舞者、凶婆娘和闪电!Now Dasher! now, Dancer! now, Prancer and Vixen!

老毕的婆娘笑了,每天她都得说好几遍这样的话。The woman smiled. She had to repeat these words several times a day.

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珂赛特的母亲走了以后,那汉子对他婆娘说When Cosette's mother had taken her departure, the man said to the woman

也不可以让涐看到他跟涐婆娘些在一起。Also may not let me see him with my young married woman in the same place.

多亏他妻子对人的本性的理解,他可以自由的与其他的婆娘发生关系。Thanks to his wife’s understanding nature, he’s free to bang other broads.

娃儿大了,有自己的主意,老毕的婆娘也没办法。But her son was an adult with his own ideas, and she couldn't change his mind.

我深知默多克森这婆娘是个坏透了的女人,可是我想她喜欢过我。I knew this woman Murdockson was an infernal hag , but I thought she loved me.

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“婆娘们,”一个满脸横肉的五十岁的老婆子说,“我跟你们说说我的想法。"Goodwives," said a hard-featured dame of fifty, "I'll tell ye a piece of my mind.

因为,我有一个嗷嗷待哺的“小上帝”和一个喋喋不休的婆娘,正所谓生亦何欢,死亦何惧。”It just says that I have a screaming baby and a nagging wife and that I am not afraid of dying anymore.

这里这些老头,都是回回来,看上眼的婆娘就骗到手。These old guys came here every time, and they tricked the women they found attractive into there hands.

穿越古今,黄昏的庭院,谁家的婆娘还在门槛眺望,等待归家的丈夫?Through the ancient and modern, twilight courtyard, whose wife was looking for threshold, home husband?

仅仅因为我跟臭婆娘说的话比对狗说的少,并不意味着我和臭婆娘之间就不存在婚姻关系。Just because I talk to her less than I talk to the dog that doesn't mean that what we have isn't marriage.

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住在房子一侧的建筑师倒是挺和善,但在另一侧却住着一个愚蠢而粗壮的婆娘和她全家。At one side indeed there was a friendly architect, but on the other some stupid stout woman and her family.

说起过去那些事,老毕婆娘最记在心上的还是伞厂差点办不下去的那段光景。Speaking of the past, Old Bi's wife first recalled the time when the factory was on the brink of bankruptcy.

“那帮宫老爷都是敬神的先生,可惜慈悲心太重陛——这可是真事,”第三个人老珠黄的婆娘补充说。"The magistrates are God-fearing gentlemen, but merciful overmuch-that is a truth," added a third autumnal matron.