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享受国务院特殊津贴。State Department special allowance.

在我国军人享受津贴待遇。Soldiers are subsidized in our country.

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因此改革者便提供津贴。So the health reformers offer subsidies.

第三,铁路津贴要再分配。Third, rail subsidy should be redirected.

1993年起为享受政府特殊津贴专家。Enjoyed special government allowances since 1993

享受国务院特殊津贴。Enjoy the special allowance of the State Council.

我想知道他怎么能有失业津贴?I am interested to know how he qualifies for JSA?

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你能告诉我最高津贴是多少么?Could you tell me what the maximun weight allowances?

我的一部分津贴被扣去付了饭费。Part of my allowance is kept back to pay for my meals.

她工资以外,还有各种津贴。She gets various perquisites in addition to her wages.

他是享受国家级特殊津贴的专家。He is a specialist receiving a special State allowance.

赛仕公司总部的工作津贴和福利相当之高。The on-site perks and benefits at SAS HQ are remarkable.

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公司发给每个职员每英里30便士的汽油津贴。Every clerk was given a petrol allowance of 30p per mile.

在2008年,Herzing博士被授予了古根海姆研究津贴。In 2008, Dr. Herzing was awarded a Guggenheim fellowship.

所以我们对此进行了讨论,他对我说,‘按天给您津贴如何?’So we talked about it and he said, ‘How about a per diem?

近140万工人得到了短期津贴。Around 1.4m workers are receiving the short-time allowance.

他们把目标瞄向了政府津贴项目。How?By taking aim at the government's entitlement programs.

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他得到大量数额超过他薪水的津贴。He gets a number of perquisites , over and above his salary.

1992年获国务院政府特殊津贴。In 1992 the State Council was special government allowances.

大多数年轻人都没有资格获得求职者的津贴。Most young people are not eligible for jobseeker's allowance.