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外伤比内伤更容易得到谅解。An injury is forgiven more easily

几乎让我弄得内伤的是那些「再见」。What nearly did me in were the goodbyes.

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他在这次事故中受了内伤。He suffered internal injuries in the accident.

当地官员称,很多人遭受了严重的内伤。According to local officials many had massive internal injuries.

感染外邪与内伤饮食。Infection external injuries influences and internal injury diet.

锦媛在一旁早气的快成内伤了。The brocade Yuan early annoyed fast to chance inner harm in a side.

这次移动的结果会不会引起致命的内伤呢?Would the removal prove fatal to him by causing some internal injury?

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意外灾害常会导致内伤、割伤和伤害。An accident often causes internal injuries as well as cuts and wounds.

多数队员死于严寒,少数队员死于严重的内伤。Most died from exposure, however the others had severe internal injuries.

他说,大多数人死于窒息和内伤。"Most of the deaths were as a result of suffocation and internal injuries, " he said.

月经病的形成每以情志内伤为主要病因。MenstruationIll formation every with affection annals internal injury is main pathogeny.

举其验案五则,以说明薛师临床灵活运用和解分消兼融法治疗外感热病、内伤杂病的经验。Here are five examples to show the experience of Professor Xue to treat different diseases.

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无桩尖管桩锤打过程易造成管桩移位、内伤、断桩、嵌岩差、持力层锚固长度小。Shift, internal injury, breaking, bad imbedded in rock, as well as short anchorage distance etc.

警方称他受到内伤,在送往附近医院后不治身亡。Police said he suffered internal injuries and was confirmed dead by doctors at a nearby hospital.

本病首当分辨外感咳嗽和内伤咳嗽。This sickness works as the resolution external disease factors cough and the internal injury cough.

内因、外因均可导致疲劳,但以内伤尤其过劳为主要病因。Both endopathic factors and exopathic factors might cause fatigue, but overstrain was the main etiology.

麦克休大脑的内伤都好了,在医生看来一切都很好,至少脑子没问题了。McHugh got his internal head wounds all clamped up and everything seemed fine to the docs, at least brain-wise.

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京京正设法安慰威廉,内伤正无情地把他拽向死亡。Jingjing, meanwhile, tried to comfort William. His internal injuries were dragging him relentlessly toward death.

东方不败想到那到方德和尚的易筋经也许可以治疗令狐冲的内伤。The east doesnt hurt to think that to found the monks yi jin may be the treatment of linghu chong internal injury.

不仅容易被外感、内伤诸种病因伤害而致病。Not only easily by external disease factors, internal injury various kind of cause of disease injury, but pathogenesis.