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那是强词夺理。That's a special pleading.

强词夺理不能折服人。No one can be persuaded by sophistry.

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错了就要承认,不要强词夺理。If wrong, you just confess, and not contest.

关于这个政策,还存在着一种强词夺理的见解。There was a sophisticated case for this policy.

旅行人根本没吃炸鱼,实属妇女强词夺理。D. Because he hadn't eaten her fried fish at all.

我不觉得哪里强词夺理了,我也不清楚我哪里不讲理了。I also am not clear that my where is not reasonable.

他们强词夺理,发誓自己是无辜的。They blustered it out and swore that they were innocent.

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他总是强词夺理,认为自己才是对的。He always chops logic with others, believing he is the right one.

他在人行道上骑车撞了人,还强词夺理说人家没给他让路。He knocked people in pavement and blamed others didn't give way to him.

我妹妹喜欢强词夺理,因为她非常好胜。My sister likes to chop logic with others, because she is very emulative.

但是德国方面,也就是德国的财政部长,过于强词夺理。But the German side, namely the finance minister, has been very heavily polemical.

我不觉得哪里强词夺理了,我也不清楚我哪里不讲理了。I do not feel where chicanery, I also am not clear that my where is not reasonable.

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他在人行道上骑车撞了人,还强词夺理说人家没给他让路。He rode over people on the pavement and said sophistically that others didn't give way to him.

争执之下邓文昌想动手教训李中正,可李中正也是强词夺理。Under dispute Deng Wenchang wanted to begin lesson Li Zhongzheng but Li Zhongzheng also argue irrationally.

我不会去强词夺理地讲,但实际的数字却倾向于这个结论,至少在我公司是这样。I would not go as far as to say that but the numbers are leaning towards that conclusion, at least in my company.

真是强词夺理,是那些人自己贪心才让我有机可趁而且我从不,使用暴力。Nice rationalization. l never took anybody who didn't let me out of greed or weakness. And l never. used violence.

他们会欣赏这部影片的设计、狡诈,以及对设计、狡诈和恶行选择的强词夺理。They will appreciate the design, guile and sophistication of this movie about design, guile and the choice between evils.

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不管怎麽样,都要温驯地接受,不可争辩,更不可强词夺理来惹父母伤心生气。No matter how they react, we should compliantly accept their admonition, and not argue with them or make them angry or upset.

世馨通知艾莉尚恩比来显示欠好,没有礼貌而且强词夺理,艾莉不知悔改,抱怨高珊珊毁坏他人家庭幸福。The notice board did ellicott Sean, no display owe stickle manners and not repent, ailey, high shan destroy others complain family happiness.

当然读者中有些人会认为这样有点强词夺理,但是事实是,当你喜欢上一个人的时候你的大脑也开始不清醒了。Of course there will be some of you reading this that are the very epitome of dating sophistication, but the truth is, when you lose your heart you also lose your head.