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约摸这样高。It's about this high.

朱莉娅姨妈约摸高出一英寸的样子。Aunt Julia was an inch or so the taller.

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这位穿黑衣的男人约摸四十岁左右。The man in black is somewhere in his forties.

从她的模样看,你会说她约摸20岁。From her looks you would say she was about twenty.

约摸着过了五分钟,露丝发问了。Ruthie asks at the end of what she estimates is five minutes.

过了约摸才一分钟便有人敲门,是范诺登,他惊慌不安。In a minute or so there's a knock at the door. It's Van Norden.

后面跟着一个约摸十三岁的男孩子。罗大告诉他们说,那是小少爷。A boy of thirteen followed, and Lota told the drivers it was the young master.

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爷爷去世前约摸一个月左右,奶奶使劲往爷爷脊背上涂猪油。About a month before he died, my grandmother covered my grandfather's back with lard.

模具浇口设计要尽约摸地缩减熔接线,并有有利排气及缩减剪切。Mold runner design to do about a clear reduction in weld lines, and have good exhaust and reduction shear.

这种情形持续了约摸半个钟头,之后她从地上爬起来,想看我在做什么。This continued for half an hour or so. Then she got up from the floor and came to find out what I was doing.

我不知不觉来到了卖洋娃娃的过道,眼角瞟到一个约摸5岁的小男孩抱着一个可爱的洋娃娃。I found myself in the doll aisle. Out of the corner of my eye I saw a little boy about 5 holding a lovely doll.

六个月之后,他坐着一辆轻便马车再次来到哈德莱堡,约摸晚上十点钟左右,马车停在了银行老出纳员的大门外。Six months later he went to Hadleyburg, and arrived in a buggy at the house of the old cashier of the bank about ten at night.

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一个看着明显有约摸七十岁的老头被一张巨大的白色毯子包裹着,几乎是半塞进那张婴儿床。Wrapped in a voluminous white blanket, and partly crammed into one of the cribs, there sat an old man apparently about seventy years of age.

早晨大雪,至晚未停。我在雪花纷飞中,踯躅于树林里和道路上,约摸有两个钟头。A snowstorm in the morning, and continuing most of the day, But I took a walk over two hours, the same woods and paths, amid the falling flakes.

我想这栋房子是根据大约摸盖的,楼梯的台级高高低低,尺寸都不一样。I think this house was built more by guess and by God than anything else. There's hardly a step on the staircase that's the same height as another.

妈妈在中途还加了一些佐料,使饺子更加好吃,约摸过了十多分钟吧,妈妈便把饺子捞起来,分成了四碗,在每碗中还放了一些汤。Mom in the middle also added some snacks, make dumplings more delicious, around after ten more minutes, mom gave dumplings out, divided into four bowls, in each bowl also puts some soup.

我家的小鬼们总在他们需要午休的时候做出一些歇斯底里的事情,他们尖叫并且哭闹约摸一个小时,这些让我得了偏头痛和刺激性头痛。When it was time for the babies to go take their afternoon nap they went into hysterics and screamed and cried for about an hour, making sure that I had a steady and irritating headache.