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如果你想要同时获得两世的吉庆美好。If you want to acquire the possession of both worlds.

亲爱的兄弟,斋月幸福吉庆!Dear brother, may you have a happy and blessed Ramadan!

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但要记得,吉庆的斋月,每年只有一次。But remember this auspicious month comes but once a year.

现在校园里洋溢着吉庆,但面貌仍是极度破败。The sprawling campus is pleasant enough but badly dilapidated.

愿安拉奖赏你,在这个尊贵吉庆的斋月宽恕你。May Allah reward you and grant you forgiveness in this blessed month.

要幸福快乐,不断以生活中的吉庆提醒自己。Be happy and constantly remind yourself of the blessings in your life.

我们斋戒同样尊重在这个吉庆月份中古兰经的降世。We fast also to honor the Revelation of the Qur'an in this blessed month.

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感谢大家莅临,祝福各位斋月吉庆,那么,让我们开始用餐吧。Thank you all for being here, and I wish you a blessed Ramadan. And with that, let's eat.

道教文化已经不再局限于个人生活或家庭圈子,也不再只是节日吉庆或仪式活动的附庸。Taoism is no longer confined to the personal and family levels, and to festivals and rituals.

同样,万能的主用吉庆的四天装扮一个月,用尊贵的斋月来装饰一年365天。Similarly, Almighty God illuminates a month with four Fridays, and a year of 365 days with Ramadan.

回娘家的媳妇是日必返夫家,以寓圆满、吉庆之意。The daughter-in-law of the day we will return back to the family, complete balance, meaning auspicious.

在中国文化中,六十大寿是吉庆的。人在六十岁时即到耳顺之年。In Chinese culture, the 60th birthday is an auspicious event. At that age, it is said that a person is at ease.

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这一天,家家户户还要吃面条、炸油糕、爆玉米花,以示吉庆。On that day , all the families will eat noodles or fried glutinous rice blocks , and pop corn as part of the festivity.

愿全能的安拉赐悯你一个吉庆的斋月,接受你的斋戒,礼拜和坐静等等善功。May Allah Almighty favors you with the blessings of Ramadan and grants you the merits of observing fasting, qiyam, i'tikaf, etc.

在供桌点上蜡烛,摆上清果、饼干、糖果等,斟上清茶,迎神接神福,祈求吉庆。In the fifth, place on a candle on clear fruit, cookies, candy, etc, pour on green tea, meet god meet god blessed, pray for auspicious.

吉庆的斋月内,数百万穆斯林白天为诵读与参悟古兰经而聚首清真寺。During the blessed month of Ramadan, millions of Muslims gather in Mosques during the daytime for reciting and reflecting on the Qur'an.

常用吉庆果、南天竹做衬托组成花束,寄予着繁荣昌盛、前程万里的美好祝愿。Fruit of commonly used auspicious, nandina is done foil compositive bouquet, expressing prosperous, future 10 thousand lis happiness wish.

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每逢吉庆佳节到来,泉州都会举行各种各样的民俗活动,“采莲舞”便成为这些民俗活动中的一道靓丽的风景线。On festive occasions, people held various folk activities in Quanzhou, "Picking Lotus Dance"has become a beautiful scenery in the activities.

因为婚姻是人生中的大事,因而伴衬吉庆气氛的婚庆服饰也就显得很重要。Because marriage is the important matter in life, the marriage that accompanies line auspicious atmosphere consequently celebrates dress to also appear very important.

古人把一月视作吉庆、欢乐和春天的象征,所以一月还有嘉月、芳岁、华岁、春玉等别称。January as the ancients put happiness, joy and a symbol of spring, so have Kerry January month, Fang-year-old Chinese-year-old, Jade, such as another name for the spring.