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这场比赛将作实况转播。The match will be broadcast live.

我看了电视转播的划龙舟比赛。I watched the Dragon Boat races on TV.

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昨晚电视转播的球赛你看了吗?Did you watch the game on TV last nigth?

登陆月球的画面现场转播。The landing on the moon was telecast live.

该节目经由卫星以电视现场转播。The program was telecast live via satellite.

该节目经由卫星以电视现场转播。The programme was telecast live via satellite.

哪个频道要转播这场球赛?Which channel is going to televise this match?

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我们看了电视实况转播的足球赛。We watched the football match on live television.

今晚没有足球赛的转播了。There's no rebroadcast of the soccer game tonight.

有线电视将实况转播开幕式的盛况。The Opening Ceremony will be televised on Cable TV.

我们看了电视实况转播的足球比赛。We watched the football match on live show television.

法国网球公开赛会透过卫星实况转播。The French Open will be transmitted live via satellite.

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非营利组织可以用它来进行公益事件的实况转播。Nonprofits could use it to livestream video from events.

老波士顿人都选择猫在家里看电视转播。Most Bostonian choose to watch the firework on TV at home.

那有一场世界杯比赛的电视实况转播。There is a live telecast of World Cup match at the moment.

我们透过转播站接收纽约的电视节目。We receive telecasts from New York through relay stations.

在那时这是在实况转播中赢得最大的一笔奖金。It was the largest amount ever won on live TV at that time.

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其它的球迷则守在家里寸步不离地收看电视转播。Other fans watch the games at home, glued to their TV sets.

该旅游节目因为转播温布顿网球赛而暂停播出。The travel show was on hiatus during coverage of Wimbledon.

电视转播的棒球赛是底特律对抗克利夫兰。Today's televised baseball game is Detroit versus Cleveland.