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曲径通幽山谷尽,溪水蜿蜒声音先。A secluded spot, streams, winding valley voice.

在这里可以真正领略曲径通幽的乐趣。May understand the sinuous pleasure truly in here.

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孤独的心情与自由的空灵,对话一段曲径通幽。While in seclusion, reach beyond solitude for freedom.

曲径通幽,牵手漫步于园林河畔。Winding streets, walking hand in hand in the garden river.

这是公主打开房间窗子随手拍到的,曲径通幽。I made this photo when I opened the window, curving trail profounded the woods.

到最后几章,老上海变成了污秽的大都市,曲径通幽的弄堂,都被笼罩在了高耸入云但是丑陋不堪的新建筑的阴影之下。By the final chapters, old Shanghai has become a polluted modern metropolis, the maze of its

心里还始终在想真的有一种“曲径通幽处”的感觉。The in the mind is still really wanting a felling of having a kind of"winding path You place".

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松柏苍翠,曲径通幽,游廊交错是其独特的吸引人之处。Lush pine and cypresses, secluded paths and winding bridges make the place unique and appealing.

这是公主打开房间窗子随手拍到的,曲径通幽。怎样,可见环境之幽雅。I made this photo when I opened the window, curving trail profounded the woods. How beautiful ideal condition!

曲径通幽处,是一处墓地,伟大的俄国艺术家列宾在这粉白相间的花丛中长眠。A winding path leads to a quiet cemetery, where rests the great Russian artist Repin among white and white flowers.

茵茵青草,曲径通幽,谁说浪漫不能随心而得?Carpet of green grass, meandering path leads to abstract situation, who says that romance can not be gained by randomness?

曲径通幽沿大雄宝殿后的石级山道前行,即达狮王处。还可通往金华山文风塔。其间小桥流水,谷幽泉美。Winding track leading to mystery Walking upward along the stone stairspaved at the back of the Main Hall, one can reach the King Lion.

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在洛杉矶这样的大城市里,你仍然能够找到类似的去处,很多曲径通幽的小道,可以把看似平淡的散步变成一次重大的探险。In big cities, such as Los Angeles, you can still find places like this, with lots of trails that can turn a small walk into a big adventure.

中国园林讲究以“曲径通幽”式的廊回路转、流水小桥分割空间,制造出一种视觉上的隐蔽迷离之美。China landscape "The winding path leads to a secluded quiet place" type, water bridge division space, creating a visual blur the hidden beauty.

微妙的斜线切成的路线引导人在其中享受“曲径通幽”的体验。A delicate bias cuts through the building and guides people to enjoy the experience of "a different view with every step" within the spaces and landscapes.

曲径通幽是全部房间的点睛之笔,原色木质的装饰条和玻璃巧妙配合,清晰的木质纹理传达出和谐温馨。All of its winding is the finishing touch to the room, color of wood and glass decoration with the clever, clear wood texture to convey a warm and harmonious.

蓝天白云,草儿青青,曲径通幽,漫步三个小时,欣然就餐——继而细想!在这片人迹罕至的荒野上,总得做点什么才好。Give me the clear blue sky over my head, and the green turf beneath my feet, a winding road before me, and the three hours' march to dinner—and then to thinking!

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别墅总建筑面积约为2000平方米,依河而建,曲径通幽,周边树林郁郁葱葱,鸟语花香。Villa with a total construction area of about for 2000 square meters, built in accordance with the river, a secluded spot, surrounding woods lush, full of flowers and birds.

海南安定山海拔800多米,山上长满老树古藤,岩石叠峰奇秀,山花烂漫,林木荫翳,曲径通幽。Hainan Peak more than 800 meters above sea level, the mountains covered with trees Furuto, rock Qixiu overlapping peaks, flowers are blooming, trees and shading, winding streets.

铁军引我到后院的天光工作室,有曲径通幽,伴着雨后的蝉鸣、雾霭和林间散布的雕塑,眼前的一切几乎完全抹杀了十年前宋庄给我的记忆。The winding path, the sound of cicada after the rain, the fog and the sculptures scatter in woods, all these sceneries has almost wiped away my memory of the Village ten years ago.