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真菌类分类仍然是未定形的。Fungal classification is still unsettled.

还有的以水果、菌类、腐肉或者昆虫为食。Some eat fruit, fungi, carrion, or insects.

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蘑菇、蕈与白霉都是菌类植物。Mushrooms, toadstools and mildew are all fungi.

块菌是生于地面的一种菌类植物。Truffles are a kind of mushroom that grows underground.

把你的园丁铲拿开,因为我们正在研究菌类!Get out your garden trowels, because we're talking fungi!

多食用海带等海藻类及菌类食物。More consumption of kelp and other seaweed, and mushrooms.

使曲坯达到适当的密度,以利于菌类生长。Make music to the proper density billet, for the fungus growth.

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在陆地上,生物发光仅见于少数菌类和昆虫身上。On land, it is seen only in a few species of fungi and insects.

余味中有樱桃,菌类和香草黑巧克力的味道。Cherry, truffle and dark chocolate flavors with vanilla in the finish.

孢子囊,精子囊无籽植物,菌类植物和藻类植物的。A sperm-producing organ occurring in seedless plants, fungi, and algae.

孢子囊,精子囊无籽植物,菌类植物和藻类植物的孢子囊。A sperm-producing organ occurring in seedless plants, fungi , and algae.

袋鼠是食草动物,吃多种植物,有的还吃真菌类。Kangaroo is a herbivore, eating a variety of plants, fungi and some food.

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袋鼠是食草动物,吃多种植物,有的还吃真菌类。Kangaroos are herbivores, eating a variety of plants, some also eat fungi.

生产广谱抗菌类药品及原料药等。Produce broad-spectrum antibiosis and medicine served as raw material, etc.

组成地衣的菌类多为子囊菌,也有担子菌类。Usually the fungus is an ascomycete but occasionally it is a basidiomycete.

另一个目的就是能够让这些菌类更快地分解酿酒残渣。Another goal is to make the bugs quicker at breaking down the brewery waste.

成年的松树要经过几年甚至几十年的抗争才会输给这种菌类。It could take many years or even decades for mature trees to succumb tothe fungus.

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如果真有人把菌类放到茶叶里,让它发酵的话,那他造出来的将是一种致癌物质。Indeed, if tea does ferment and fungus grows, a carcinogenic substance is produced.

在法国圭亚那地区被研究的一种蚂蚁在它们的寄主植物上种植某种菌类。The ants, studied in French Guiana, also farm a certain fungus on their host plant.

像蘑菇之类的菌类以及苔藓会产生酶,以朽木和腐败的落叶为食。Fungi like mushrooms and lichen make enzymes to eat rotting logs and decaying leaves.