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他怎能那样对待自己的亲骨肉?How can he treat his own flesh and blood that way?

我必须帮助他们,因为他们都是我的亲骨肉。I must help them because they're my own flesh and blood.

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待如亲骨肉。我的意思是,我和他的父亲在一起14年。Hands on. I mean, I've been with his father for 14 years.

须帮助我的弟弟和妹妹,因为他们是我的亲骨肉。I must help my brother and sister because they're my own flesh and blood.

你比一个异教徒还坏——这样对待你的亲骨肉!You're worse than a heathen--treating your own flesh and blood in that manner! '

她和娜塔莎像姐妹一样,我特别喜欢她,好像她就是我的亲骨肉一样。She and Natasha are like sisters, and I couldn’t love her more if she were my own flesh and blood.

此间,日升对玉兰怀有身孕毫不知情,更始料未及,日后抱养的儿子小虎,竟然就是自己的亲骨肉。Here, or pregnant knew nothing about Yulan, Gengshi unexpected, son tiger adopted after it is my own flesh and blood.

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也许她直到前一刻还在怀疑我是否是她的亲骨肉,提到饼干奏效了。Maybe she had been wondering up to that point if I was indeed her flesh and blood, but mentioning the biscuit did the trick.

而无论他们年龄大小,我们的目标是骗过孩子的父母,让他们相信换生灵的的确确是他们的亲骨肉。No matter how old or young, the object is to deceive the parents into think-ing that this changeling is actually their child.

与头一个亲骨肉的分离令她痛不欲生,她开始毫无节制的酗酒,吸毒,这些习惯至今她还保留着。Separated from her first-born, she entered into a tailspin of drinking and drug-taking in which she remained, she says, for most of the next 30 years.

战争期间,在斯克拉姆巴斯与奥加纳之间形成了一种亲密的私人友谊。后来,斯克拉姆巴斯也把贝尔的女儿莱娅看成自己的亲骨肉。Scrambas forged a close, personal friendship with Organa during the wars and would later come to regard Bail's daughter Leia as he would any child of his own flesh.

师娘韩大娘积极拥军,为了救八路军的孩子小鲁生,忍痛舍弃了自己的亲骨肉。Teacher niang Koreas big niang positive YongJun, in order to save the children of the eighth route army small LuSheng, very reluctantly give up his flesh and blood.

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有时她也叫她的小娃娃给他送一大罐热气腾腾的菜汤往,固然心率也前咕着像这样从自己的亲骨肉口中夺食是否应该。And again, she would send one of her toddlers in to him with a great pitcher of hot soup, debating inwardly the while whether she was justified in taking it from the mouths of her own flesh and blood.