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他经营皮货。He deals in furs.

我经营一个餐车。I run a dining car.

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卡特先生经营着一个牛奶场。Mr. Carter ran a dairy.

或者垄断经营Or you sell monopolies.

他经营着一家床上用品商店。He runs a shop for bedding.

我们是合法经营的。Ours is a lawful operation.

我们经营软件产品。We handle software products.

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他在爱尔兰经营一家种马场。He runs stud farm in Ireland.

他们经营煤碳生意。They conduct a coal business.

她经营男士服装。She deals in men ' s clothing.

而经营德国游的是200家。German travel operators is 200.

经营人破产的?。The bankruptcy of the operator.

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他们主要经营珍本图书。They mainly deal in rare books.

他父亲经营着一个马车出租店。His father kept a livery stable.

我主要经营中国工艺品。I mainly dean in Chinese crafts.

所以我们主要经营三个领域。So we play in three major areas.

书摊的经营受到严格管制。The trade is strictly regulated.

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这家公司经营棉制品。This firm deals in cotton goods.

经营私人染厂。Manages the personal dye factory.

莎弗郎尼娅夫人——经营各种头发用品。Sofronie. Hair Goods of All Kind.