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和慈善机构共同拥有?Co-own with a charity?

捐钱给慈善机构。Donate money to charity.

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向慈善机构捐献食物。Donate food to a charity.

这些托管机构都有保护区。All of them have reserves.

来代替储蓄机构这个词。to a depository institution.

重组了公司机构。We restructured the business.

它们是哪些机构?Which are those institutions?

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这就是监管机构的职责That's what surveillance does.

三军指挥机构已加以充实。Navy command to enrich already.

她常向慈善机构捐赠。She often gives to the charity.

它是一个设在美国的机构,And it's U.S. based organization

现在,他开始转向为其他机构写稿了。He now writes for other outlets.

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科研机构必须保持中立。Institutions have to be neutral.

脱开操纵联动机构。Disengage the maneuvering linkage.

停止思维像一个机构。Stop thinking like an institution.

什么是机构名称重合?What is institution name conflation?

所有的新闻机构都会出差错。All news organizations make mistakes.

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海峡两岸将互设办事机构。Offices will open across the Straits.

聚醚醚酮电源或机构,三元乙丙橡胶隔膜。PSU or PEEK body with EPDM diaphragm.

棘轮机构式宽口型。Wide- type formula ratchet mechanism.