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它必须是非空的。It must be non-null.

人是能辨是非的动物。Man is a moral being.

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但是,氢气是非极性的。Whereas, H2 is nonpolar.

引航是非强制的。Pilotage is not compulsory.

这个键是非极性的。This bond will be nonpolar.

我们都知道他是非极性分子。We know that it's non-polar.

波普是非决定论者吗?。Is K. Popper Non-determinist?

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她能辨别是非。She can tell right from wrong.

他们不知道我们是非武装的么?Dont they know we are unprovided?

你应该分清是非。You should know right from wrong.

他能识别善恶,辨别是非。Can' t you tell vice from virtue ?

他们不知道我们是非武装的么?Don't they know we are unequipped?

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几句是非,牵绕我的情绪。I pull around a few non-emotional.

这样,他们就要断定你们的是非。So then, they will be your judges.

人是有辨别是非能力的。Human beings are moral individuals.

现在,我甚至无法辨别是非。But I won't give up without a fight.

利欲使他不辨是非。He was blinded by the lust of lucre.

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我能辨别是非。I can discriminate right from wrong.

你能分清是非吗?Can you distinguish right from wrong?

他失去了辨别是非的能力He lost his sense of right and wrong.