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最后让我来祝酒。So I end with a toast.

为一个好日子举杯祝酒。Raise a toast to a good day.

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所有的朋友都向他祝酒。He was toasted by a11 his friends.

这对新人接受瑞典首相的祝酒。The couple after the Prime Minister's toast.

在祝酒的时候,记得不要大口干。Don't gulp down your alcohol when making a toast.

他转过身来,为哥哥的生日祝酒。He turned back to the room for the birthday toast.

来宾们将为他们所庆祝的对象举杯祝酒。Guests would toast the objects of their celebrations.

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他带头为新郎新娘的健康祝酒。He led the way in drinking the health of the newlyweds.

在宴会上我们互相举杯祝酒,尽量表现出高兴的神情。At the banquet we chin-chinned and tried to look cheerful.

宪兵司令同意了,第二天晚上,她祝酒了。The marshal agreed, and she gave the toast the next evening.

爱德华宽容的对她,他为她的幸福祝酒。Edward was tolerant to her. He proposed a toast to her happiness.

王子镐校长出席了欢迎晚宴并祝酒。Prof Wang Zihao, the president of BUCT hosted the welcome reception.

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请各位将酒杯斟满,向新娘、新郎祝酒。Please charge your glasses and drink a toast to the bride and groom !

而致辞声和觥筹交错的祝酒声也变小了,成了嘟囔和叮当作响之声。The speeches and the clash of toasts dwindled to murmuring and tinkling.

这个人来到爱伦坡的墓前举起一杯白兰地祝酒。The individual proceeds to Poe's grave, where he or she raises a cognac toast.

祝酒人头戴黑帽身穿黑衣,用围巾裹着面庞。The Toaster wears a black hat and coat and hides his face with a hood or scarf.

情感的高点来自哈维打断继父的祝酒,作出了自己的祝词。The emotional high point comes when Harvey interrupts the toasts to make a toast himself.

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在离开前,祝酒人在墓上留下了三支玫瑰花和半瓶白兰地酒。Before departing, the Toaster leaves three red roses and a half-bottle of cognac on the grave.

用户提出的176啤酒节期间在2009年9月20号在慕尼黑啤酒节上祝酒。Visitors raise a toast during the 176th Oktoberfest beer festival on September 20, 2009 in Munich.

主席冯国经博士,董事局成员及高层管理人员在台上祝酒,迎接新的一年来临。Chairman Dr Victor Fung, Board members and senior management propose a toast to welcome the new year.