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那孩子立刻泣不成声。The kid burst into tears.

他无法再说下去了,突然泣不成声。You talk just like the grown-ups!

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门里门外,我们俩都泣不成声。We stood on each side of the door, sobbing.

他再去给雅兰打电话,可雅兰曾经泣不成声了。He again and get jalam, can call jalam once SOB.

你希望我每次谈论这件事的时候都泣不成声?Do you expect me to cry every time I talk about it?

我泣不成声,随即猛烈的水流又把我推入水里。I yelled, as the frigid waters pulled me under again.

法官宣判时,琳赛泣不成声。Lindsay dissolved into tears when the judge imposed the sentence.

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原来,这尘世是有这样一种爱,未开口,便泣不成声。Originally, this world is such a love, not open, can choke with sobs.

当初在北京申奥成功时,人们也是泣不成声。When Beijing won the Olympic bid, people were weeping uncontrollably.

她极尽女性之能事,长呼短叹,泣不成声,悲愤不已。There she collects the force of female lungs, sighs sobs and passions.

我泣不成声啊满心悲伤,哀叹自己是这样生不逢辰。I choke with sobs ah full of sorrow, lament that they are like to crash.

一些受害人家属在旁听瑞奇维的陈述时泣不成声。Some relatives of the victims wept in the courtroom as Ridgway confessed.

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听他这么一说,我立马泣不成声,脸也涨得通红。At this revelation, I started sobbing hysterically, my face turning bright red.

麦克康美太太缩在圣诞树旁的椅子里泣不成声。Perched on a chair near her Christmas tree, Mrs McKamey could not help but cry.

我泣不成声,“我后悔自己没有勇气为我们的感情抗争下去。”I cried saying, "I'm sorry I didn't have the guts to fight for our relationship."

克鲁斯赢得了一场恶战,当四个回合结束下来已经泣不成声了。Crews won a hard-fought, four-round bout and broke down in tears when it was over.

一切水落石出,章子怡在接受采访时泣不成声。The truth finally coming out, Zhang could not help tearing when being interviewed.

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仁惠正在开会时永民来向她报告斯蒂芬死于车祸,她悲哀的泣不成声。RenHui are meeting ever to report her Stephen people died in the accident, she sad sobbing.

“这家工厂常常骂我弟弟。”马向前的姐姐马丽群上星期这样说道,泣不成声。“The factory was always abusing my brother,” the sister, Ma Liqun, said tearfully last week.

“这家工厂常常骂我弟弟。”马向前的姐姐马丽群上星期这样说道,泣不成声。"The factory was always abusing my brother, " the sister, Ma Liqun, said tearfully last week.