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我们对自己的双重性格高谈阔论,对扬长避短却无所作为。We talk of our dual personality, and do nothing to cultivate the better part.

只有抓住机遇,扬长避短,办出特色才是师专唯一的出路。Only way out for them is to seize opportunities and develop with local features.

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在进出口工作中,我们要扬长避短,趋利避害。In our import-and-export work, we should foster strengths and circumvent weakness.

简历要主题鲜明,中心突出、布局合理、层次分明、扬长避短,言简意赅。Resume to a clear theme, focused, rational layout, structured, weaknesses, concise.

我们要克服缺点,充分发挥自身优势,做到扬长避短。We must overcome shortcomings, fully exert our own strength, thereby to give our best performance.

相比较而言,实施产品差异化策略有利于中小企业扬长避短,发挥自身优势。To compare, differentiation is beneficial for small and medium-sized firm to develop its advantage.

图书馆要在挑战中生存和发展,必须扬长避短,采各行业众家之长,积极应对。To meet the challenges, library must strengthen its's own strong points, and learn from each trade.

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德鲁克便是个扬长避短主义的拥护者。Drucker was a big proponent of accentuating a person's strengths rather than managing their weaknesses.

这就要求有这方面弱势的求职者在求职简历中的教育和经验部分慎重行文,扬长避短。This requires a job in this weak job resume of education and experience some careful wording to advantage.

在工艺安插时能彼此迁不离、扬长避短,无疑会起到事倍功半的功用。In the process of design-time be made suitable compromise, would undoubtedly benefit from the synergy effect.

第二代生物燃料所用的原料是植物的纤维素,通俗一点说,就是“草料油”,就能做到扬长避短。Second-generation biofuels made from cellulosic material—colloquially, “grassoline”—can avoid these pitfalls.

其作用与弊端共存的特性,需要我们制定规则来对其进行严密的规范,以便扬长避短。It needs us to make strive rules to restrict proxy system for its benefits and drawbacks coexisting characteristic.

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教育者们应致力于网络教学与传统教育的融合,结合他们的优势,扬长避短,使教育更上一个新的台阶。Along with the impact that net educate, the traditional teaching appearance also takes place the change immediately.

对待考证,我们应该扬长避短,发挥其积极作用,避免其不良后果。We should treat different matters in different manners to develop its positive effect and avoid its negative result.

如何扬长避短、趋利避害,是中国银行业殛待研究解决的课题。Therefor, it is an important issue for China's banking to make the best use of the advantages and bypass the disadvantages.

反过来于说,内向也意味着踏实和稳重,在工作中我有信心扬长避短,给自己一个准确定位。I am sure that in dealing with job I will promote the virtues and avoid the shortages and find myself a precise orientation.

我们将一如既往地坚持“实事求是、以顾客为本”的原则,扬长避短,虚心听取客户的意见和建议。We will continue to adhere to the "pragmatic, customer-oriented" principle, exceed and humbly listen to customer comments and suggestions.

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要想提高其效度,关键是要发挥人的作用,扬长避短。The key to improving the validity of imitated context is to fully play the role of people with exploring strengths and overcoming weaknesses.

南通港在今后的发展过程中应扬长避短,克服自身的不足,发挥自身的优势,尽快从大港走向强港。Hence, in future development, Nantong pert should take its advantages and overcome its disadvantages to develop the large port to powerful port.

我国作为发展中国家在这次发展浪潮中既有优势也有劣势,只有扬长避短、积极改革才能激流勇进、顺流而上。As a developing country, China has both advantages and disadvantages in this new trend. Only by avoiding our weakness can we go upward in the trend.