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但这只是一个幻觉。But this is an illusion.

完美是一种幻觉。Perfection is an illusion.

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那肯定是你的幻觉。You must have hallucinated.

这正是我在幻觉中见到过的那个人。It's him who I hallucinated.

我想你产生幻觉了。I think you're hallucinating!

幻觉的奇妙世界。A wondrous world of phantasms.

但这种幻觉总是萦回不散。But the hallucination persisted.

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幻觉早已将我麻痹!Dazzle has already paralyzes me!

这是真的吗,或者只是我的幻觉?。Wass it real or just my fantasy?

你现在还有幻觉吗?Do you still have hallucinations?

小心图表建造者创造的幻觉。Beware of the chartist's illusion.

对不起我只是有些幻觉什么?I'm sorry. I just hallucinated. What?

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它可能只是产生于某些思想的幻觉。Maybe it's illusion in some thoughts.

有时候,怠惰可能是一个幻觉。Sometimes burnout can be an illusion.

幻觉的痉挛在胸口振颤。Visionary tics shivering in the chest.

他从没有预料到自己会对此产生幻觉。He'd never expected to hallucinate them.

你住在一个逃不掉的幻觉中。You're living in an inescapable illusion.

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高烧可使人产生幻觉。High temperatures can cause hallucination.

什么药吃了会产生幻觉或幻听?What medicine ate can illusory or phonism?

好的电影造成一种宛如真实的幻觉。Good films make a hallution that seems real.