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请在人生的路程中暂停一下,旅人。Pause for a moment, Wayfarer , on life's journey.

为社会各界城市旅人提供手工打造,绝对原创的栖息地!!Handcrafted, Original Space for the Social City Traveller

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华特兹密切注意我们这群旅人的安危并分享他的故事。Waters keeps an eye on the trekkers and shares his tales.

在每一段旅程,旅人一定会问,“这条路对吗?”In every journey, the traveler must ask, "was the right path taken?

过去,大榕树为身心疲惫的旅人提供荫庇。In days gone by, the Banyan tree provided shelter to weary travellers.

他说,有一位旅人在穿越平原的时候被一只“发怒”的猛兽追击。A traveller, he told, runs across a plain chased by an "enraged" beast.

搭便车的旅人也非常忠诚,沙发旅游是一个新概念,但来自于一个旧价值。Hitchhikers were very committed, too. It's a new idea but an old ethos.

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那旅人正为他的新靴子沾上泥而抱怨。The traveler is complaining of the new buying boots adhering to the mud.

永恒的旅人啊!你将会发现在我的歌里满是你的足迹。Thou wilt find, Eternal Traveller, marks of thy footsteps across my song.

当来自未来的旅人必须开口时,他哀哀嘤嘤而不讲话。When a traveler from the future must talk, he does not talk but whimpers.

大胆的旅人只好飞奔着穿过将圣马可广场淹没的那片水域。One wakeboarder streaked across the waters that swamped St. Mark's Square.

她像一个岔路口的旅人,犹豫,徘徊,踯躅不前。Her like a fork in the road of Picnic, indecision, wandering around obstacles.

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各案件的时间间隔也暗示凶手或许是位旅人。The gaps between the murders also suggest the killer may have been a traveller.

在无路的荒野里走过的孤独的旅人也可以看见它。每人对它都有自己的想法…The lonely traveler who passes through in the roadless wilderness may also see it.

一个旅人在路旁看到许多盛开的鲜花,他一边走一边采。A traveler saw many flowers blooming prosperously and picked all the way as he walked.

丛林里旅人漫不经心穿过的声音传到了动物的耳里。The sound of the careless passage of the jungle wayfarer come to the ear of the animal.

在路边那每个陌生的旅人都可以站立的阴凉下,我只是谦卑地歇一歇脚。I humbly took my shelter under the wayside shade where every strange traveller may stand.

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对西进墨西哥市的旅人来说,15号公路上有许多摄人心魂的风景。There are many compelling vistas for the traveler heading west of Mexico City on Route 15.

没有那盏灯,旅人就会双目失明,旅程也会变得多么阴暗而凄凉!Without that lamp how blind the traveller would be, and how black and cheerless the journey!

是的,就好像所有和爱尔兰旅人骗局设计师结婚的女人都会理发似的。Yeah, like any one of those women married to Irish-Traveler scam artists knew how to cut hair.