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所以各种不同档次的饮食俱乐部都有。So it runs the gamut.

也就是波动很大的饮食习惯That is, yo-yo dieting.

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英格兰的饮食文化。Food culture in England.

多少人支持低碳水化合物饮食How many a low carb diet?

饮食中减少盐的摄入。Reduce salt in your diet.

多少人支持低卡路里饮食How many low calorie diet?

避免高草酸盐饮食。Avoid food high in oxalate.

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饮食也是一个关键因素。Diet was also a key factor.

他对他的饮食大发牢骚。He squawked about his food.

船费包括饮食在内吗?Does the fare include a meal?

所以吃些粗茶淡饭、适量饮食。So eat simply and moderately.

我习惯于简单的饮食。I am accustomed to a spare diet.

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适用于无乳糖饮食。Suitable for lactose-free diets.

我的医生严格地令我做饮食控制。My doctor is dieting me severely.

我的医生严格地令我做饮食控制。My doctor is dieting me strictly.

饮食以米、面、青稞为主。Diet to rice, flour, barley based.

医生嘱咐要严格规定饮食。The doctor enjoined a strict diet.

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医生正严格规定我的饮食。The doctor is dieting me strictly.

选择低卡路里、低脂肪饮食。Follow a low-calorie, low-fat diet.

那几年我认为他是故意控制饮食的贪食症患者”。For years I thought he was bulimic.