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你就是大门不出二门不迈。Or you're just a wuss.

他们高举“自由”与“新人类”大旗,却终日大门不出、二门不迈、深居简出。They hold high the " freedom" and" human " banner, however all day door out, two door step, reclusive.

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随着孩子逐渐长大,一到二门专业的课程对于学生来说更为有用。As children grow up, specific education on teaching one or two particular subjects are thought more useful for them.

舰上装备一门手动双联-37毫米AAA炮,二门手动双联-25毫米AAA炮和一个三联324毫米鱼雷发射器。The ship is armed with a manual dual-37mm AAA gun, two manual dual-25mm AAA guns, and a 3-cell 324mm torpedo launcher.

二门内安放了几张方桌,上面再放上椅子,作为临时的看台。In the inner compound, a number of tables were set up and chairs placed on top of them to serve as a temporary grandstand.

不二门公园既是永顺县城郊公园,又是猛峒河风景名胜区的中心。Bu'ermen Park is a suburbs park in Yong Sun county Hunan Province and the center of the famous landscape area of Mong Dong River.

庭院东西,各有厢房五间,均为前出廊,七檩悬山式建筑。西厢之后,又有配房,各自组成一小型建筑群。孔府二门,三间,门前两侧各置一座雕刻精致的上马石。On the eastern side and the western side of the courtyard, there are five wing-rooms with side buildings at their back, each forming a small-sized building complex.

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分析了河南下二门油矿含油污水处理现状,论述了新型破乳剂WK—668的应用。This paper analyzes the present situation of oily sewage treatment in Xia'ermen Multi-purpose Station, Henan Province, and expounds the application of new demulsifier WK-668.

宅男宅女是自由思想和网络的衍生品,他们高举“自由”与“新人类”大旗,却终日大门不出、二门不迈、深居简出。Indoorsman and indoorswoman are byproducts of libertinism and network, holding aloft the banners of freedom and X Generation, they dwell in deep seclusion and rarely come out.

写一封信给朱丽叶在她的房子,在著名的马志尼店,吃饭在科索二门博尔萨里,参观舞台剧场,老城堡城堡,和美术馆的。Write a letter to Juliet at her house, shop on the famous Mazzini, dine on the Corso di Porta Borsari, and visit the Arena Amphitheatre, Castelvecchio Castle, and Art Gallery.

方法在对储层基本特征和流体性质进行研究的基础上,分析下二门及孙岗低渗透储层的损害原因。Method Based on study upon reservoir basic characteristics and fluid properties, reasons which may cause damage to low permeability formation in XiaErMen and Sungang area are analyzed.

下二门油田主力油层段是核二段辫状河三角洲前缘沉积砂砾岩体,夹层类型及结构严重影响油田注水开发效果。Major reservoir of He-2 block belongs to Glutenite units in braided delta front in Xiaermen oilfield. The types and structure of intercalation greatly affect the water-flooding development results.