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有些年历不可用。Some almanacs are not available.

使用学年历模板。Use the school year calendar template.

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如中遇到的一年历。Such as that encountered in an almanac.

新年是新的开始,也是买新的年历的时间。It is also the time to buy a new calendar.

恒星年不用于编制年历。正在加载用户记忆法…The sidereal year is not used to construct a calendar.

她用红笔把年历上的重要日期都圈了起来。She had ringed the important dates on her calendar in red.

我们现在到了人类年历时间表中的年终了。We are at our end of year in the human calendar timeframe.

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用你自制的艺术作品或者照片做一个独一无二的年历吧。Create a personalized calendar decorated with your own art or photos.

全章摘要的叙述了以色列人完整的宗教年历。The complete calendar of the Israelite religious year is briefly described here.

尼嘉还捐赠了许多贺年片以及卡通年历用作慈善。Nigar has donated several greeting card designs and calendar cartoons for charities.

由于我在给第一本书的逐日年历排序时犯了个愚蠢的小错误。Because I had made a tiny, stupid little typo on my day-by-day calendar of the first book.

2009年的“昨日梦幻”年历就给我们的复古火箭添了不少燃料。The 2009 Visions From The Past “kalender” provides plenty of fuel for one’s retro rockets.

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一旦归档,该续展申请延长了公司已注册名称在下一个年历中的有效性。The renewal application when filed renews the registration for the following calendar year.

遵照指导,通过谷歌文档轻松使用学年历。Have an easy to use school year calendar through Google Docs by following these instructions.

纽约的斯蒂芬·图尔贝克日前设计出了一种海报大小的“塑料泡泡年历”,每天挤破一个泡泡就表示这一天已过去。Stephen Turbek of New York City is selling a poster-sized calendar covered with plastic bubble wrap.

谁又肯拿眼前这般景致去换上个永远周而复始的单调局面,一个全由年历来控制的大地?Who would change this state of things for a steadily recurring round, an earth governed by the calendar?

此条款的有效日期是指年历日,包括非工作日和公休日。Days for the purpose of this clause shall mean calendar days and shall include Saturdays and public holidays.

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某个单位的某个人刻意在年历换上了中国国旗,加上了中国的节日。Someone, somewhere, made the willful act of affixing the PRC flag on the calendars and added Chinese holidays.

牛年春节,白头鹤中英文年历在繁殖地,迁徙地,越冬地及会议受到欢迎。Hooded Crane calendars were distributed in breeding areas, migrating areas, wintering areas and at some workshops.

在进行年历计算时,有平闰年计算问题和月天数是30天还是31天的问题。In calculating the calendar, it is flat on a leap year and calculated the number of days is 30 days or 31 days of the issue.