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接着说佛牙舍利。Cue the Buddha tooth.

是什么?佛陀舍利。What is it? Buddha Sarira.

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舍利之一是所谓的“骰子”。One reliquary is called "Dice".

在缅甸佛牙舍利无疑很受欢迎。The tooth clearly is popular in Myanmar.

舍利是姑娘中唯一喜爱足球的。Shirly is the only one of the girls who likes football.

所有的佛像都装有舍利丸并已开光。All the Images are inserted with relic pill and are consecrated.

佛说此经已,舍利弗及诸比丘。After the Buddha spoke this Sutra, Sariputra and all the Bhiksus.

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最初的八座佛塔中安放的就是释迦牟尼的佛骨舍利。The first eight stupas were created to hold the Buddha's remains.

舍利弗的弟子,他们大多喜欢研究深奥的佛理。Shariputra's disciples mostly liked studying profound Buddhism theory.

所有佛像及水晶塔都装有舍利丸及其他神圣丸。Images and Stupas are inserted with relic pills and other sacred pills.

能,在斯里兰卡的一间寺院,还保存着佛陀的佛牙舍利。The Tooth Relic is still to be seen at the Temple of the Tooth in Ceylon.

舍利弗,阿弥陀佛成佛以来,于今十劫。And, Shariputra, since Amitabha realized Buddhahood, ten kalpas have passed.

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它之后的阿舍利石器工具包保持了一百五十万年。The Acheulean stone tool kit that succeeded it lasted for 1.5 million years.

石函是安葬佛陀舍利的最外层石棺。Shi Han is inters the Buddha Buddhist relics the most outer layer sarcophagus.

年前,寺院内还供奉唐代高僧玄奘法师的舍利。Before 1956, the temple had a repository for a relic of Monk Xuan Zhuang of Tang.

过去诸佛全身舍利。皆在宝箧印陀罗尼。The whole body relics of all Buddhas in the past are in this Casket Seal Dharani.

舍利弗,彼佛净土,成就如是功德庄严。Shariputra, That Pure Buddha Land is crowned in merits, virtues and splendors such as these.

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这种手持石斧以及Kokiselei的其它阿舍利文化的古器物也许早在他们的时代之前便用作工具了。The hand ax and other Acheulian artifacts at Kokiselei may have been tools before their time.

舍利弗曾说他有变树成金、变土成金的能力,可见修行者也有可能成为法力无边的炼金术士。He can be a magic doctor. Shariputra ever said that he could conjure tree and earth into gold.

舍利弗,彼佛净土,成就如是功德庄严。Shariputra, the Pure Buddha-land is crowned in merits and virtues and splendors such as these.