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我们像旅鼠一样忙不迭地投入灾难。Lemming-like we rushed into certain disaster.

随即那秋娘就忙不迭的走了。Immediately that autumn Niang assistance not the Die walked.

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他拿着电话机子忙不迭地大声指挥。He is holding the phone in his hand, shouting orders quickly.

云横兆忙不迭把匕首递了过去。Cloud horizontal trillion favour not the Die passed bayonet past.

锦绣心里一喜,忙不迭的点头应了。Rich brocade in the mind a pleased, assistance not the Die nod ought.

有时刚一成交,买主们就忙不迭地到外面斗起蟋蟀来了。Sometimes after the deals are done, buyers hustle outside for a pickup fight.

女人又是吃惊,又是高兴,竟直接将那条鱼抱在了怀里,嘴里一边忙不迭地道着谢。She was so glad and surprised she took it right into her arms, and thanked him over and over.

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中午,饭馆里熙熙壤攘,做生意的人忙不迭地从事交易活动,他们不时地看看手表。The restaurant bustled with noontime activity as business people made deals and glanced at their watches.

女子颤抖慌张站起,忙不迭扑向门外,冒着大雨狼狈地逃出了虎口。Woman stand shivering panic, into the door to jump into the heavy rain escape from the infamous escaping.

你们英雄总是拍马奉承的能手,福尔维亚忙不迭地把这句恭维话当作特别为她而说的。You heroes are ever flatterers, returned Fulvia, hastening to appropriate the compliment specially to herself.

在朋友家里,当他们请求允许吸烟时,看着朋友忙不迭地找烟灰缸,他们也被弄得颇为难堪。When they ask for permission to smoke in a friend's home, they are embarrassed to watch the friend hunt for an ashtray.

但是就在我们眼前,这家美国经营最好的公司却几乎在为自己的成绩感到羞愧,并忙不迭地宣传自己少给员工发了多少钱。But here is America's best-run company almost ashamed of its profits and bragging about how much less it's paying its people.

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为了利用中国人数众多的电影观众资源,各大好莱坞电影公司都忙不迭地在中国找合作伙伴。With Hollywood film studios scrambling to find local partners who can help them tap China's masses of consumers, one of the U.

始终找不到蓝妞的夏初被内疚折磨得泪流不止,她忙不迭地向高胜寒道歉。Always cant find the blue girl early summer was tears more than with guilt, she rushed to apologize to cold people at Goldman sachs.

“天呀,真让我受益无穷,接着讲”,最后劳瑞终于将埋在沙发里的脑袋抬起来,忙不迭地催促,再看他已是红光满面,双目炯炯。"Oh! That does me no end of good. Tell on, please, " he said, taking his face out of the sofa cushion, red and shining with merriment.

忙不迭打开记忆的窗,依然可以清晰地看到你目光里的延伸,三生石上用月光为刀镂刻的誓言。Hastened to open the memory window can still clearly see the eyes inside your extension Sansei stone engraver to use the moon as a knife oath.

老夫人赶来忙不迭地护住孙儿,斥责邵正不该动辄打骂,教育孩子要有耐心慢慢来。The old lady came to hunt hold grandchild, rebuked ShaoZheng shouldnt easily beat and scold, education children to have the patience to slowly.

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那位警察慌忙不迭地跑去搀扶一个身披夜礼服斗篷、头发金黄的高个子女人穿过横街,以免两条街之外驶来的街车会碰着她。The policeman hurried to assist a tall blonde in an opera cloak across the street in front of a street car that was approaching two blocks away.

人们开始忙不迭地为它们“喂食”、“洗澡”、“打扫卫生”,夜不成寐地关照、伺候这些娇贵的电子“宝贝”。People began to rush to enroll for their "feed", "bath", "clean up", not a night to sleep soundly care to helping these precious electronic "Baby.

想到这里,心里忙不迭地把连日来的不悦找出翻开,让风把它们吹干吹走,直到一丝也不残留。Thought here, and my heart too happy to turn over the last few days displeasure to find out, let the wind dry them blown away, until not a trace of residue.