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你最喜欢的风俗画家是谁?Who is your favorite genre painter?

风俗画让位给景观。Genre painting gives way to landscape.

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维米尔是十七世纪典型的荷兰风俗画家,他的油画喜欢表现日常生活的场景。J · Vermeer is the typical genre painter in the 17 th century.

我还是感到狐疑疑惑他们为什么要这样做。风俗画。I morning still confused ingmost the reequallyon why they did so.

摩荷擅长风俗画、历史画和水彩画。MOREAU specialized in genre, historical paintings, and watercolor.

它是一幅用高度现实主义手法创作的长卷风俗画。It is a long paper genre painting created with highly realistic tactics.

本文这一观点在宋代风俗画研究领域是一种新的探索与尝试。This point of view is a new try in researching on the Song genre painting.

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展出的大部分作品是各种风格的风景画和风俗画。Most of the works on show are landscape and genre paintings in various styles.

浮世绘是日本江户时代的一种风俗版画,属于一种平民风俗画。Ukiyo-e Edo period in Japan are a custom prints, custom paintings belong to a civilian.

他们是贵族女性风俗画的先驱,对后世仕女画创作产生了重大影响。As forerunners of secular lady paintings, they had a big influence on later paintings of court ladies.

风景画、风俗画散发着浓郁的乡土气息,加深了作品地域文化的内蕴。Landscape, genre painting emanated full-bodied agrestic tinge that enhanced the meaning of local culture.

其乡间风俗画更被视为19世纪末呈现巴比松画风的佼佼者。His genre paintings are even considered representative works of the Barbizon style of the late 19th century.

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评论家认为,哈尔斯的许多肖像作品,与其说是肖像画,不如说是风俗画更恰当些。Critics say, Hal 'many portrait works, is not so much more, than say genre painting portraits some appropriate.

他经常到山乡写生,画了许多关于农村庙会赶集、过年嫁娶的风俗画。He often draws sketches in the countryside and has painted a lot of paintings of temple fairs and marriage scenes.

风景画和风俗画描写是中国乡土小说中广泛运用的艺术手法。The description of landscape pa inting and genre pa inting is the widespread arctic technique in Chinese local novel.

风俗画是对日常生活的描绘,其题材包括狩猎,农业活动,舞蹈和宫廷仪式。Genre subjects are scenes from everyday life, such as hunting, agricultural occupation, dancing, and court ceremonies.

桥梁是风俗画,它是民族风情、历史变迁的话剧舞台。The bridge is a genre painting, it is the national character and style, the historical vicissitude modern drama stage.

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作者所绘制的肖像画虽然颇受欢迎,但是他最主要的专长却是风俗画跟寓意画。Although Dubufe's portrait paintings were highly appreciated then, he specialized mostly in genre and allegorical paintings.

产品上既有这样一种风俗画,同时也提醒人们关注物品的来源,意识到回收材料的潜力。This makes for conversation pieces but also raises awareness about the origins and potential of composite recycled materials.

戴德‧孔蓝画过风俗画、肖像画,最出色的则是以花卉、水果为主题的静物画。Theude Gronland painted genre paintings and portraiture, yet he was best known for his still life paintings with flowers and fruits taken as the subject.