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牛津大学或剑桥大学里学监的助手。A proctor's assistant at Oxford University or Cambridge University.

每个学院里都有学监和院长,他们共同管理着学校。And you have your own dean and master who are administrators for the university

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学校里有很多学监负责学生的管理工作。In schools, there are many wardens who are in charge of the management of students.

多纳湾-塔玛拉克学区的学监罗伯特·巴雷特说,他打算建议裁撤他我自己的位置。Dollar Bay-Tamarack Superintendent Robert Barrette said he plans to recommend eliminating his position.

多纳湾-塔玛拉克学区的学监罗伯特·巴雷特说,他打算建议裁撤他自己的位置。Dollar Bay-Tamarack Superintendent Robert Barrette said he plans to recommend eliminating his position.

我们红卍字会小学的学监,是个秃头大脸、鼻子底下有一撮小胡子、穿一身黄军装的日本人。The supervisor of our school was a big-faced bald Japanese with a moustache. He always wore a yellow uniform.

下面就是各学监的四个大讲室,再往下才是各个导师的讲习之所。The underneath is each school proctor of four greatly speak room, downwards is each tutor's seminar again of.

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如果我们不能找到梅根,学校里就有两个孩子和一个学监失踪了,”安娜贝尔给他上课。If we don’t return with Megan, our school will have two missing kids with a missing janitor, ” Annabel lectured.

就这个指控,我联系了性周活动组织者和学监办公室,正在等待他们的答复。I've contacted both the Sex Week organizers and the Dean's office about the allegations, and await their response.

正当着正装的校方学监走上讲台,中国听众转向那名男子时,他投掷了一只灰色运动软鞋。As a gowned university proctor walked towards the stage, and the Chinese audience turned on the man, he threw a grey trainer.

学监遇到他,也跟他彼此脱帽致意,仿佛他们在权力上是平等的,很难说谁大谁小。He and the proctor capped each other as they met, as if they were rival powers, and the man hardly knew which was the Greater.

一所历史悠久的大学的学监,为了筹募基金甚至愿意接受不合格的学生,条件是家长必须捐献一笔款项。To bolster the funding of an ancient university, a don there offered college places to offsprings of substantial donors who would not otherwise be eligible for admission.

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他打算在学校董事会开会决定下年度预算的时候提出建议,取消专设的学监,让校长威廉·塔波克斯兼任这个职务。When the school board meets to develop next year's budget. Barrette plans to recommend his own termination and the consolidation of his position with that of principal William Tarbox.

他打算在学校董事会开会决定下年度预算的时候提出建议,取消专设的学监,让校长威廉·塔波克斯兼任这个职务。When the school board meets to develop next year's budget. Barrette plans to recommend his own termination and the consolidation of his position with that of principal William Tarbox.

根据米勒学监的建议,我允许她给学生机会,让他们给下学期的活动提出一个方案,保证这个活动得以在校园内继续开展。At Dean Miller's suggestion, I have allowed her to give the current student organizers the opportunity to propose a program for next semester that might warrant continuation of this event on campus.