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CNN也确认该导弹是“泡泡纱”。CNN also identified the missile as a Seersucker.

绿白条纹泡泡纱长裙。Long dress in green and white striped seersucker.

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织造泡泡纱泡泡牢度较好。It is better to weave the fastness of bubble of seersucker.

这种泡泡纱的泡泡牢度好。The bubble bubbles of this kind of seersucker are good in fastness.

看台上的男士都身着泡泡纱西服,配着背带和西服袋巾。The grandstand was filled with men in seersucker suits, braces and pocket squares.

选择从臀部设计棉,卡其,灯芯绒,泡泡纱或自订配对。Select from the hip design, cotton, khaki, corduroy, cotton fabric or custom matching.

利用涤纶高收缩丝受热湿处理产生收缩的特点,开发了两种新型泡泡纱织物。Based on the characteristics of high contraction in heat and wet condition of polyester filament, two new-types plisse fabric were developed.

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剪花,弹力,泡泡纱,青年布,牛津纺,麻棉,绞综等系列产品。Production of various yarn dyed jacquard, cut flowers, elastic, seersucker, youth cloth, Oxford cloth, cotton, wring ensemble etc series products.

按形成泡泡的原理,泡泡纱主要分为织造泡泡纱、碱缩泡泡纱等。According to forming the principles of bubbles, the seersucker is mainly divided into and woven the seersucker, alkali to draw back the seersucker etc.

碱缩泡泡纱是利用棉纤维遇到浓碱液产生直径增大,长度缩短的原理。Alkali draws back the seersucker to utilize the cotton fiber to meet dense lye to produce the diameter to increase, principle that the length shortens.

主要生产经营左织麻印花和双打麻印花外加泡泡纱印花,此外还经营染色的竹节麻、双打麻。It mainly produces the left and weaves rough printing and doubles rough printing and seersucker printing, besides bamboo joint rough and doubles rough.

碱缩泡泡纱泡泡牢度较差,经树脂整理后,泡泡牢度有所提高。The seersucker bubbles of contracting of alkali are relatively poor in fastness, after resin finishing, the fastness of bubble is improved to some extent.

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以其手感好、透气佳、穿舒爽、价格实惠等优势取信于众多消费者,尤其是经过印花的“泡泡纱”面料更受欢迎。To feel good, breathe better, wearing RMK SOAP bar, reasonable price as well as the trust of many consumers, especially after printing "bubbles yarn" fabrics are more popular.