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这是我的义务。This is my duty.

献血是我们的义务。To donate is our duty.

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而且孝是我们的义务。And filial piety is our duty.

不要推辞义务。Don't shirk your responsibility.

他不想承担义务。He's not looking for commitment.

他尽了义务。He discharged himself of his duty.

献血是每个人的义务。It's all our duty to donate blood.

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他们还要对他主人尽应有的义务。And they owed certain duties to him.

梦醒时,人生乃是义务。I woke and found that life was duty.

爱的首要义务就是倾听。The frist duty of love is to listen.

当工作变成一种义务的时候,生活则是一种苦役!When work is a duty, lfe is slavery.

第一百九十条赠与可以附义务。A gift may be subject to obligations.

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我总觉得有义务坐在这里。I sort of feel obligated to be there.

确保法律义务得到满足。Ensure that legal obligations are met.

我们的义务可能超过我们的权利。Our duties may overbalance our rights.

本版区所有发言人均属义务性质的。All of us in the forums are volunteers.

纳税是每个公民的义务。Paying tax is the duty of every citzen.

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你不想让我们逃避我们的义务。You wouldn't want us to evade our duty.

权利与义务证明书。Certificate of Incumbency and Authority.

别想逃避那项义务。Don't try to duck out of the obligation.