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那些倒塌的房子都是偷工减料盖的。Those collapsed houses were all jerry-built.

超低价格极有可能是“偷工减料”。Ultra low prices very likely " jerry-built".

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有没有偷工减料,并在此板储蓄。There's no scrimping and saving on this board.

那些存心不良的建筑商老想偷工减料。Those dishonest builders always try to cut corners.

大野功统习俗棒感谢偷工减料,为这个历史的教训。Ono Custom Rods thanks Jerry for this history lesson.

有些工人为了偷工减料,在白乳胶中兑水。Some workers to cut corners, in white latex confirmed in water.

然后,在建筑材料上以次充好,施工上偷工减料。Then, in building materials, buildings, the construction of shoddy work.

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一个偷工减料的防火墙,其复杂性将削弱其效力。The complexity of a jerry-rigged firewall will undermine its effectiveness.

既然不承认“偷工减料”,缘何高速路通车不久就要大修?Since it does not recognize" Jerry" why, high-speed road traffic soon to repair?

如果工人们偷工减料的话,最容易出现瓷砖空鼓、对缝不齐等问题。If the jerry-building workers, most likely to occur hollowing tiles, uneven joints.

如果你现在在你的教育上偷工减料,未来你可能会一无所有。Shortchange your education now and you may be short of change the rest of your life.

张锐表示,橱柜行业最容易出现的问题是偷工减料。Zhang Rui said that the cabinet industry's most prone to the problem of shoddy work.

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长期以来,中国制造一直是偷工减料和廉价商品的同义词。For a long time, Chinese production has been synonymous with corner-cutting and cheap goods.

但是官员警告说正在放缓的中国经济可能诱惑着生产商在2009年偷工减料。But officials warn that the slowing Chinese economy might tempt producers to cut corners in 2009.

华尔街公司则在某些情况下通过不计后果的冒险及偷工减料等手段攫取巨额利润。Wall Street firms turned huge profits by taking, in some cases, reckless risks and cutting corners.

你所去的干洗店有可能偷工减料以节省开支——以你的衣物受损为代价。There's a chance your dry cleaner is cutting corners to save money -- at the expense of your clothes.

压到一定程度,迫使施工单位偷工减料,最后吃苦头的还是客户。Pressure to a certain extent, forcing the construction unit jerry-built , the last bullet or customers.

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CCC偷工减料,不为这29个西方人提供合适的西式早餐。So the CCC were cutting corners by not requesting that these 29 Westerners have a proper Western breakfast.

路面坑槽破损是公众感受最深的问题,许多人质疑施工方“偷工减料”。Pavement pothole distresses is the public felt most problems, many questioned the construction side" jerry".

众所周之,中国经济快速增长期间,建筑公司和其他公司经常偷工减料。It is well known that construction firms and other companies often cut corners in China’s rapidly growing economy.