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喜鹊整天在喳喳叫。The magpies call all day long.

不过喜鹊不会去加利福尼亚的。But Magpie would not go to California.

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风把一只喜鹊抛向远处,一只黑背鸥The wind flung a magpie away and a black

麻雀和喜鹊,诸如此类的鸟类。Sparrows and magpies, those kind of things.

喜鹊搭窝高,当年雨水涝。The magpies nest year high, waterlogging rain.

还有喜鹊和笑翠鸟。Then there were the magpies and the kookaburras.

青色的玉杯,以及枝上的喜鹊,也必不可少。Green Jade Cup and Magpie on a Branch should go next.

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惹得那个喜鹊满呀么满树飞。Her beauty makes magpies merrily fly among the trees.

我要是不在了,那两只喜鹊可咋办呢?If I'll be gone, and that two supposed to Magpies it?

一只老喜鹊非常小心地用羽毛把自己裹紧。An old magpie began wrapping itself up very carefully.

平等就是,你,我,喜鹊,翠儿都是一样的。Equal be, you, I , magpie , the Cui son be all similar.

一只老喜鹊非常小心地用羽毛裹紧自己的身体。One old magpie began wrapping itself up very carefully.

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喜鹊枝头叫,真是大吉大利啊!The magpie's call is considered to be an auspicious symbol.

取材于吉祥喜庆的喜鹊和形态饱满的柿子。Watership auspicious festive magpie and form full of persimmon.

寒号鸟和喜鹊面对面住着,成了邻居。The bird and magpie lives face to face and they become neighbor.

台北熊队将和南投喜鹊队较劲。The Taipei Bears will be squaring off against the Nantou Magpies.

在肯特多佛城堡附近的树林,看到这只白化喜鹊。An albino magpie which was seen in woods near Dover Castle in Kent

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虽然知道噪鹃会利用喜鹊做其代母,但我也是第一次亲眼见到噪鹃幼鸟出现于喜鹊巢。It was my first time to see a juvenile Koel in a Common Magpie Nest.

长颈鹿的脖子真长啊,一直伸到了喜鹊的家。Giraffe's neck is really long, extended magpie's family continuously.

迷信的说法认为看见喜鹊是祥瑞的征兆。Superstitious people believe that the sight of magpie is a good omen.