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连词成句,给出三条好的理财建议。Connect the words to give three pieces of good financial advice.

你还要学习如何恰当地连词成句。You still have to learn how to put a sentence together properly.

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仿照示例,用过去时将所给词语连接成句。Now write sentences in the past tense from the following prompts.

在对话情景下都可单独成句,表达疑问。Both of them can form single-word questions and express interrogation.

在教材的编写过程中,充分注意到了所选语料贴近生活,选词、成句力争与时俱进。The materials chosen for the book are vivid and reflect the spirit of the times.

学生们连词成句,连句成文。这有利于对学生进行写作训练。Ask students to combine the words and expressions in the chart and write out a paragraph.

第六章,分析由特定句法格式构成的致使句的第二种——使成句。Chapter six discusses the second type of special-construction causatives, factitivesentence.

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练习学生利用问句与答案连词成句及完整意群口头表达的能力。Ask the Ss to write down their answers in form of complete sentences, and then practice orally.

越来越多的语法学者开始关注汉语短语成句和不足句的现象。There are more and more Chinese grammar scholars pay attentions to the incomplete sentence phenomenon.

邮件系统会自动地帮你整理语句,你的自荐信不会未经整理成句就被寄出。Some email packages automatically do word wrap for you, so your cover letter doesn't arrive in fragments.

其叠字词主要出现在句子开头、结尾和句中,有的也独立成句。It is seen in the Permian sentence beginning, and at the end of sentence, and some have a separate sentence.

那么你能将你的感情组织成句,大声对她说出来吗?能,能啊,如果她没有先走的话。Okay, so do you think you could put them into words And speak to her out loud?Yeah. Yeah, if she doesn't leave first.

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动词后带“了”的句子如果宾语前没有定语,一般不能独立成句,必须有后续句。If the object does not have an attributive, sentences cannot exist alone. It must be followed by a subsequent sentence.

由此可见考察出零动词存在句的存在及其成句条件在语言上具有共性意义。Therefore, the review of the existence of sentence condition of non-verbal existential sentence is meaningful in language.

文山方言语气词“啦”在实际言语活动中,可以独立成句,也可以构成重叠式,还可以在其后加另一语气词“嘛”。Wenshan dialect word " La" in the real speech activities can be a separate sentence and can al-so constitute overlapping type.

你应该将他们剥离出来独立成句,前后留出空间,以便与其他信息区分开来。You should set them apart from the rest of the message by paring them down to one sentence, with white space before and after.

这些特征体现在词的语义类型、在言语中是否独立成句及语素类型等方面。The characteristics lie in the aspects of semantic types, morpheme types and whether the compounds are used as independent sentences.

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它们既有宋诗使用典故、化用成句的特点,也具有以“梦”、“酒”等意象入诗及激情与感伤交织的抒情风格。They not only include the feather of composing poem by talent and learning but also show us the imagery of dream, wine and drunkenness.

汉语句子自足成立问题的研究始于上世纪40年代,主要集中在词组成句上。The study of the sentence-accomplishment of self-sufficiency in the Chinese grammar had began since 1940 s, and it focused on how phrases were transited sentences.

本文分析汉语表致使态使成句的致使语的语法特征,认为致使语的发展呈现出一种连续统状态。This paper focuses on the grammar character of the special words in factitive sentence, and points out that the developing of the causative words form a continuum.