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她在洋铁罐上敲出一首曲子。She beat out a tune on a tin can.

汉纳很想从这个洋铁罐喝水。Hannah is tempted to drink from the billy.

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本文选题为“洋铁酸模质量标准及应用研究”。The research is Quality and application study of Rumex patientia L.

亨卡忙卡一把一把试遍了所有的洋铁勺子,可鱼是粘在盘子上的。Hunca Munca tried every tin spoon in turn, the fish was glued to the dish.

同位素法测年是大洋铁锰结壳测年的主要方法。Main achievements and recent developments in isotopic dating of Fe-Mn crusts are summarized.

汤姆提着姨妈那只洋铁旧灯笼,拿了一条遮灯光的大毛巾,乘机溜出去。Tom slipped out in good season with his aunt's old tin lantern and a large towel to blindfold it with.

用海洋铁为肥料是全球范围内有计划的对付气候变化的计策之一。Oceanic iron fertilization is one of many proposed, planet-scale engineering solutions to climate change.

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进行抑菌实验、止痒实验、止痛实验完成对洋铁酸模酊剂的药效学研究。Finished the pharmacodynamics studies by doing the bacteriostatic experiment, analgetic experiment and antipruritic experiment.

餐桌上摆着的是丰盛可爱的宴席!有洋铁勺子,铅皮餐刀和叉子,还有两把玩具椅子——万事俱备啊!Such a lovely dinner was laid out upon the table! There were tin spoons, and lead knives and forks, and two dolly-chairs—all so convenient!

骗子在那留下为了恢复正常而必须解开的迷-梦的洋铁罐必须装满微笑。In their place the bunyip leaves a dream of a billy can filled with slime and a riddle that the sisters must solve in order to restore normality.

身为姊姊,感到她责任热切但是当她知道女孩必须面对她们的恐惧-回到在三月海湖的梦的洋铁罐。Tilsa, as the older sister, feels her responsibility keenly but knows that the girls must face their fears and go back to the billy can at the lagoon.

载有新人的轿车往往要被兴致勃勃的朋友们用口红和剃须泡沫涂上几句贺词,并挂上汽球、洋铁罐和旧靴子。The going-away car is often decorated by high-spirited friends with messages in lipstick and shaving foam, and tied about with balloons, tin cans, and old boots.

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Climos公司在3月15日发表了一个声明,提出"如果人为地大量增加海洋铁肥料能产生软骨藻酸,那么在自然条件下也能产生这一毒素"。“If domoic acid is produced by artificially stimulated ocean iron-fertilization blooms, it is likely produced during natural ones as well,” Climos said in a statement March 15.