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他拿冷眼看胖女人。He highhatted a fat woman.

他一直对我冷眼相待。He said coldly, "All right"!

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投出冷眼,看生,看死。Cast a cold Eye on Life, on Death.

冷眼一瞥,看生,看死。Cast a cold eye , on life, on death.

报以冷眼,看生,看死。Cast a cold eye , on life , on death.

他在聚会上对我冷眼相待。He gave me the cold shoulder at the party.

向世间投出冷眼,看生,看死。骑士,向前!Cast a Cold Eye On Life, On Death Horsemen, Pass by!

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投以冷眼,看生,看死。向前!骑士!——叶芝墓上的一首小诗。Cast a cold Eye On Life, on Death. Horseman, pass by!

投出冷眼,看生,看死,骑士,向前!Cast a cold eye, on life, on death, Horseman, pass by!

我不能忍受来自我那些反对者的冷眼!I can't stand the cool detachments from my antagonists!

我不能忍受来自我那些反对者的冷眼!I can't stand the gossips about my English from others!

我们受到俱乐部老会员们的冷眼相待。We got a cold shoulder from the older members of the club.

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当时,作为一种文学创作形式,白话文小说一直受世人冷眼。vernacular fiction was scorned as a disreputably popular form.

总是不相信,总是怀疑,总是冷眼而视。Always distrusting. Always suspecting. Always observing coldly.

有一种凝视叫作冷眼傍观,有一种无视叫作冷静眷注。There is a stare look on with a disregard called called silent care.

可以这么说,童年的我是在别人的冷眼中长大的。You could learn from it that I was growing up in others’ discrimination.

我选择在一个离家很远的大学上学,遭到我父亲的冷眼相待。Im in my fathers black books because I chose a university thats far away from my family.

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此外,在尝试和学长们套近乎的过程中,有时新生可能会遭遇冷眼。Besides, sometimes freshmen may be met with cold shoulders when they try to approach upperclassmen.

死后才得以冷眼审视自己和朋友们面具下的真实生活。Only after his death to be cold-shouldered look at themselves and friends under the mask of real life.

先生是在熊市经验最丰富的经理之一,他冷眼看等最近进入股市的人。Mr. Spitznagel, one of the more experienced doomsday managers, derides those who have jumped into the game recently.