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奴才巴结主子。Underlings fawn on their bosses.

这是一种奴才心理。This is psychology of a kind of flunky.

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狗奴才需要得到它主子的祝福。A lapdog needs to get his master's blessing.

魔力将与奴才和佣工发现工作吗?Will Magic Find work with Minions and Hirelings?

一群奴才都出来,将傻子赶走。A bunch of flunkies ran out and chased Moron away.

不要掉进陷阱,成了没脑子的奴才。Don’t fall into the trap of becoming a mindless minion.

给你颁发诺贝尔奖杯仅仅意味着你对当权者所做的的劳务获得了重视,给予你荣誉是因为你已经是一个温顺的,优良的奴才,是因为你还没误入歧途,还没有偏离前辈的轨道。Giving the Nobel prize to a person simply means that your

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支持哪一边的人都只是你奴才在游戏外面的卒子而已。People who support EITHER party are just pawns in the game.

为什么期望奴才做他们的工作,仅仅是因为你付了钱呢?Why expect flunkies to do their jobs just because you pay them?

不懂挣钱和积财,只能永远当奴才。He will forever be a slavery who knows not how to earn and save.

我将没有一个臣民,我将不再是奴才们的君主。Then, with all my subjects gone, I would no longer be the king of flunkeys.

殿下,奴才一直在中宫伺候才人们。Your highness, I am always in the Central Palace serving the talent ladies.

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比较起来,阿希比底思的教育,像是无知的老耄奴才的教育。By comparison, Alcibiades' education is like that of an old, ignorant slave.

任何人都应该有自尊心,自信心,独立性,不然就是奴才。Anyone should have self-esteem, self-confidence, independence, not is a slave.

在这个协议之后,通过在他们江郎才尽的时候规定Anunnaki的地球奴才。After the treaty, the ruling Earth-minions of the Anunnaki were at their wit's end.

如果你信仰了某个宗教,就是加入了一个没脑子的奴才培训班。When you subscribe to a religion, you enroll in a mindless minion training program.

这不知死活的奴才,竟敢套着一个鬼脸,到这儿来嘲笑我们的盛会吗?What dares the slave come hither, cover'd with an antic face, to fleer and scorn at our.

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哎奴才出身就是不行啊更别提是个没额娘教导的。The ah slavery is from be don't go don't even lift is that has not sum Niang guidance of.

岂不知奴才发烧了可以指鹿为马,杀了皇帝,夺了天下。Doesn't know the slave have a fever can point the deer as horse, killed emperor, Duo world.

阿方斯放置打颤在灌木之下,祈祷恶魔,并且他的奴才不会找到他。Alphonse lay trembling under the bushes, praying the Devil and his minions wouldn't find him.