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他升任经理是众望所归.He is very to be promoted as the manager.

在升任经理的竞争中,约翰以些微差距输给亚当。John was pipped at the post by Adams for promotion to manager.

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布朗表面是升任新公司的董事长,其实是明升暗降。Brown is being kicked upstairs to become chairman of the new company.

他最终升任新共和国密码组组长。He would eventually ascend to Chief of Cryptography for the New Republic.

请允许我向您升任贸易部长表示祝贺。Allow me to convey my congratulations on your promotion to Minister of Trade.

在他升任苹果公司CEO之后就停止了苹果公司的一切慈善活动。And when he became Apple's CEO he stopped all of their philanthropic programs.

也正是在这一年的年中,杜审言离开常州江阴,升任洛阳丞。In the same year, he left Changzhou and became the magistrate's assistant of Luoyang.

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在前任佐科当选总统后,锺万学于2014年从副市长升任为市长。He was elevated from deputy governor in 2014 after Joko, his predecessor, was elected president.

乔伊斯先是成为县党部的财务主管,后来升任女主席,1972年和1980年为泰迪组织参加竞选。She served as county Party treasurer and later chairwoman and organized for Teddy in 1972 and 1980.

说老实话,如果这次接待工作搞得好,我可能会升任能源办的主任呢,你真是及时雨啊。To tell you the truth, I may be the head of the office if the reception is successful. I need your timely help.

2003年,浙江人韩正上职上海副市长四年后,升任市长。In 2003, Zhejiang Province native Han Zheng became mayor of Shanghai after serving as deputy mayor for four years.

Blumenthal女士于1984年加入美国国际教育协会,时任项目发展部助理主任,并于1987年升任协会副主席。Ms. Blumenthal joined IIE in 1984 as Assistant Director of Program Development, becoming a Vice President in 1987.

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“如果真能升任该职位,他就站到了劳动党的中央,能够提拔自己的亲信”,马丁说。"If he gets that position he will be at the party's centre and able to pick and choose his minions, " says Martin.

尤素福在2004年升任临时政府总统,埃塞俄比亚对他的支持在其中发挥了重要作用。Ethiopia's backing of Mr. Yusuf played a critical role in his rise to the presidency of the interim government in 2004.

于是他去了一家小规模的市场调研公司,两年之内从初级分析师升任执行副总裁。He joined a small market-research firm, which promoted the junior analyst to executive vice president within two years.

1979年1月,马时亨教授调回香港公司,并升任为机构银行业务主管。In January 1979, Prof. Ma was posted back to the Hong Kong Branch Office and promoted to Head of Institutional Banking.

现在我想从初级秘书做起,希望几年后能升任行政助理。Now I start with an entry-level secretarial position and hope to become an administrative assistant in a few years time.

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Knudsen在升任通用集团执行副总裁时挑选了他作为继任者。Knudsen picked him as his successor when that all-round motorman stepped up to executive vice president of General Motors Corp.

当绝地武士们在克隆人战争中升任将军时,昆兰始终留守幕后,搜集情报。When the Jedi were promoted to Generals in the Clone Wars, Quinlan opted to stay in the shadows, gathering needed intelligence.

你需要尽早决定是想自主创业还是先做公司雇员,然后升任主管。You have to make an early decision whether you wish to be an entrepreneur or a corporative employee and eventually an executive.